The relationship of creativity and intelligence

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Creativity and intelligence build each other and remain stunted without each other.

Intelligence levels creativity up by finding information that helps a playing field to develop.
Creativity levels intelligence up by introducing possibilities that raise questions to ask.

Creativity without intelligence generates at random using whatever is available, whatever comes out of it that has the most uses will be used most for new generation processes except if it is simply forgotten or ruined.
Patterns aren't recognised. 

/ survival of the fittest
/ coked-up monkeys on typewriters
/ frantic 4 am Fortnite build battles 

Intelligence without creativity ends locked up in a completed puzzle box.
Novelty isn't sought.

/ lazy bastard solution
/ essays are for tryhards
/ petition to execute Fortnite by firing squad for the preservation of mankind

Here is a fancy video about artificial creativity, also known as AI rivalry or AC.
(yeah no whatever, that's all made up.
I just wanted an excuse to put up this video because you need to learn of your new overlords and how they think outside the box inside the box.
You'll be grateful once you get to troll Skynet)

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