Start from the beginning

"I was getting impatient. And you know Patience is my virtue." He said and I groaned in annoyance.

I rested my head on the car seat. "Where are we even going to for our date?" I used air quotes.

He chuckled then spoke. "Okay, first, its a surprise."


"Why did you use air quotes for saying date?"

"Because I was confused with whether I should call this a date or not. Considering we aren't in a relationship." I said as I looked outside through the windshield looking at the traffic in front of us.

He stopped the car as soon as we reached the traffic and looked at me and inhaled. "OK so what is the deal with girls and having that overrated title, 'girlfriend'? Why is it that they want to bear that name?"

I stared at him. "Andre I never opened my mouth and said I want to be your girlfriend. I was just..."

"You were just what?..." He raked his hair. "Let's just drop the topic in order not to afford a fight between us."


He pulled over to this large gate that said 'Super Silly Fun Land'. I think I've heard of this place. Yeah I have. My cousins came here last year for summer. And I just remembered, it was an amusement park in the movie Despicable Me.

A/N: You can watch the video at the top and the video here to see how the amusement park is.


I dragged him to one of the rides named Silly Swirly. "Andre let's try this one!" I was hopping up and down like a kid.

You can't blame me. I haven't been to an amusement park since I was nine. The last time, I was with my dad.

"Are you sure, this one looks....scary." He looked hesitant about the ride. He cleared his throat. "Not that I'm scared or anything...I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to start crying when the ride starts." He said.

I knew he was lying. He looked extremely scared.

"Andre are you afraid of the ride?" I said while laughing.

"No..no I'm not! Of course not! Fine let's enter the ride!..." He said.

"Alright." I chuckled.

"How can you think I can get scared of this little ride." He laughed nervously.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GONNA DIE! I'M GONNA DIE!!!!! WE'RE GONNA DIE ON THIS FUCKING RIDE!!! THIS IS THE END!!! I CAN SEE MY LIFE FLASH BEFORE MY EYES!!!!" He started screaming. The other people on the ride looked at the both of us weirdly.


"Gabriella we're dying!!"


"I'm too young to die!"

"Andre!......" I shouted.

"What?" He looked at me scared.

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