An Emergency Mission

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Ruby pov

My team and I have been called to Ozpin's office urgently. As we are waiting in the elevator we talk amongst ourselves about what Ozpin might want.

(Y/N): So Yang, what did you do this time?

Yang: Why do you assume it's me? Maybe Weiss did it.

Weiss: HEY!

Blake: Maybe it has nothing to us at all.

Ruby: Whatever it is, team RWBY will be there to handle it.

Weiss: Right.

The elevator finally reaches Professor Ozpin's office. We walk off and bot Ozpin and Goodwitch are there waiting for us.

Ozpin: Team RWBY, thank you for responding quickly.

Ruby: You said it was urgent.

(Y/N): Indeed, if you don't mind lets cut to the chase.

Ozpin: Very well. We recieved a distress call from a neighboring village. A massive horde of Grimm is attacking and the villagers have asked for our assistance for an evacuation of the village.

(Y/N): How many Grimm are we talking?

Ozpin: Too many. I need your team to run interference while the villagers escape.

Ruby: Do we have eyes on the village?

Ozpin: Yes, here is the live footage.

After watching th footage, the team look nervously at eachother. Then I tell Ozpin.

Ruby: Ozpin, we want to help, but there's too many of them for the five of us to handle.

Ozpin: Which is why, you can take however many huntsman and huntresses you need. Just ask.

Ruby: What do you think guys? Who do we need?

Weiss: Well, Team JNPR will most definitly be eager to help.

Yang: How 'bout Team CFVY. They'll probably help too.

Blake: I can get Sun and Neptune onboard.

(Y/N): Ugh... not Neptune.

Weiss: (Y/N) suck it up. Regardless of what he did to me, we are going to need all the help we can get.

(Y/N): Fine...doesn't mean I have to like it. Ozpin will we be taking a bullhead there?

Ozpin: Yes, additional bullheads will be waiting for your all clear to come get the civilians out.

Ruby: Well, we have the team, we have an in, now we need a plan. (Y/N) I could use your help.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'll try.

(Y/N) pov

While everyone prepares, Ruby and I are coming up with a plan to deal with the Grimm.

(Y/N): Ruby, are you absolutly sure about this?

Ruby: Look, until the villagers get out our priority is containment.

(Y/N): Ok, just want to be sure. Let's tell the others.

Ruby: EVERYONE! Gather around!

Everyone gathers around us to listen.

(Y/N): Alright, everyone. I'm not going to lie, this is going to be extremely dangerous. So we need everyone to be on their A-game, I will not have anyone dying while I'm still breathing.

Ruby: Today, we prove to everyone who we are and why we're here. Assembled we are strong, Forever fight as one. We'll explain the plan enroute, now mount up.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now