Best Day Ever

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(A/N): Hey I am back and I'm happy that I am because this is a joy to write. So lets get to reading shall we.

Timeskip Break before second semester

(Y/N) pov

     I am sitting quietly and contently next to the stable that I finally built for (H/N). As (H/N) is grazing I get a faint whiff of perfume and is getting stronger. I smile as I know who's perfume that is.

(Y/N): You know you would have an easier time sneaking up on someone if your downwind of them, Weiss.

Weiss: I wasn't sneaking I was being respectful, in case you were sleeping, you're so cute when you sleep.

(Y/N): Well thank you for the consideration, my love. Want to sit down?

Weiss: Thank you, dear.

     Weiss sits next to me then scoots closer to me and lays her head on my shoulder. She then takes my hand and we interlace fingers. I can sense that Weiss is acting strangely, as she has been for the last couple of days.

(Y/N): Are you ok, Ice Queen?

Weiss: I am just think about what my father would say if he found out we are dating. He has been calling me a lot lately and I just can't stand him and his inflated ego.

(Y/N): It's ok, Weiss it is ok. I am not gonna let some schlup in a bad suit break us up. I will take care of you, I promise.

     I kiss her forehead as she looks at me with those icy blue eyes and that genuine smile. Then an alarm sounds and it is time for lunch, so I get up then help Weiss to her feet. We continue to hold hands all the way to the cafeteria, where we see Blake reading and Yang playing catch the grape with Nora. As we sit down and greet eachother, a binder twice as big as a phone book lands on the table with Ruby. This oaughta be good.

Ruby: Sisters, friends, Weiss.

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago I had a dream.

Yang: This should be interesting. *catches another grape*

     Ruby starts talking about having the best day ever.

Weiss: Did you steal my binder?

Ruby: I am not a crook.

(Y/N): Why do you even need a binder that big?

Blake: What are you talking about?

Ruby: I'm talking about kicking off this semester with a bang.

Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a Yang. Ha huh am I right?

Nora: Booo!

     As we continue talking about how this day should go, a pie comes flying and hits me in the back of the head. As everyone looks a Team JNPR, Nora points at Ren. Of course you know this means war. Both team JNPR and RWBY start a food fight.

Nora: Hahahaha, I'm king of the castle, I'm king of the castle!

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be delicious!


Nora: Off with their heads!

     Team JNPR then throw watermelons at us, like where did they get that many. Then I hear Ruby.

Ruby: Yang, turkey. (Y/N), table.

     Yang goes to get the turkeys, thats been Oum knows where. I then break a table and use it like a shield. As the melons come towards Yang and Blake, who has now joined the fray, I jump in front and block the melons then run foward. As soon as we get close enough to our opponents, Yang throws her turkeys at Jaune and knocks him out. Then Pyrrha and Blake go at it with the most stale bagettes I have ever seen. As Pyrrha knocks back Blake and Yang, Ruby comes surfing in on a foodtray and pushes Pyrrha back. Nora and Ren charge in, Ruby and I jump back behind Weiss as she uses ketchup to slip up Ren, but Nora jumps up breaks a pole, stabs a watermelon making a makshift hammer. Nora slams the hammer down as I jump in front of Weiss and Ruby sending me flying back and into a pile of food. Weiss grabs a swordfish, because why obey physics and logic at this point, Weiss suddenly gets put on the defensive by Nora, the melon lord, who eventually smacks her with her hammer and crashes her into a pillar. While Ruby holds Weiss, Yang jumps back into the fight, grabs the turkey and charges at Ren. The two get locked in close quartets combat until Yang outmaneuvers Ren and knocks him out. Nora goes after Yang and the two go to collide, but Yang is knocked back into the air. Blake and I miss the debris from the ceiling, then notice a long link of sausage between me and Blake. I indicate to her.

(Y/N): Blake, sausage whip.

Blake: On it.

     Blake then grabs the sausage and whips Nora, which knocks her back into the vending machine. Nora then starts throwing the cans of soda like grenades, Blake jumps behind me and I use the table as a shield against them. Pyrrha finally gets back up and uses her semblance to polarize all the cans of soda, which are aluminum, and starts punishing my shield she then sends a huge wave and breaks through and hits me and Blake knocking us both out. Ruby then uses her semblance to create a vortex and take out team JNPR once and for all, while creating fine art. As both teams recover, Professor Goodwitch storms in and use telekinisis to fix the cafeteria.

Goodwitch: Children, please. Do not play with your food.

Nora: *BURP*

     Yang finally comes crashing through the ceiling and lands on me. Yang then proceeds to stand up like nothing happened and give a thumbs up to everyone. We all start laughing except me cause I'm still in the floor. Ozpin walks in and calms Goodwitch down.

Ozpin: Let it go

Glynda: They're supposed to be the defenders of the world.

Ozpin: And they will be, but right now they are just kids. So why not let them play the part. After all, it isn't a role they're going to have forever.

(Y/N): OW.

     Weiss then kneels down next to me to check on me.

Weiss: You ok, tough guy.

(Y/N): I'll be ok. I just think i need to get new armor and weapons soon, before the Vytal festival.

Weiss: Don't worry, Sweetheart. I've got you covered.

(Y/N): What are you talking about?

Weiss: Should be here soon. Come on I'll show you.

(A/N): Ohh, what does Weiss have in store for our hero. Find out next time.

Thank you all for reading, I know I say it alot but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. As always please leave your comments and references made throughout the story. Have a great day or night depeneding on when you read this. Thanks again.

Male Reader x Weiss Schnee RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now