Chapter 1

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As (Y/N) approaches the shop one of the men flies through the shop window as well as a red blur of rose petals. As the blur turns into a young girl with a red cape. Then she pulls out her weapon a giant scythe thats bigger than her. Just one of the men, presumebly the leader speaks.

????: Ok?"looks at his men" Get her?!

Just then the little girl starts taking the thieves out really fast for someone so young she was really skilled. After the last of the henchmen goes down. The leader is disappointed but unfazed by what happened.

????: You were worth every cent. Truly you were."looks back at the girl" Well red i think this has been an eventful evening. And as much as I would love to stick around. I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

The boss lift his cane and points it at the girl and fires a shot at her. (Y/N), however saw it coming and jumped in front of the girl with his shield and blocks the shot. The girl looks up at (Y/N) amazed.

(Y/N): Are you okay little lady?

Red: Yeah, thanks.

The pair look around as the smoke cleared the crime boss is nowhere to be seen. Then little red taps (Y/N) on the shoulder. They turn to see the coward climbing a fire escape ladder.

Red:"Turns to the store owner" You okay if we go after him?

Shop keep: mhm.

The pair climb up the ladder. Red gets to the top first.

Red: HEY!

Crime boss: Persistent.

As (Y/N) reaches the top of the building a bullhead appears the crime boss gets on. And with smirk he shouts.

Crime Boss: End of the line kiddies!

He throws a red dust crystal at their feet. (Y/N) gets ready to block the inevitable explosion with his shield. As the thief fires at the crystal and the smoke clears (Y/N) and red look to see the explosion was blocked by a older woman. (Y/N) assumes she's a proffesional huntress. The spectacled woman use the shards from the explosion to hit the bullhead. Suddenly a figure in a red dress appears and the two do battle. The huntress used some sort of energy to move red and (Y/N) out of the way of an attack. As she did the bad guys took the opprotunity to escape. Frustrated, (Y/N) is glad the dust shop remained safe. Then...

Red: Your a huntress...can I have your autograph.

(Y/N): "Facepalms himself"

Timeskip in separate interragation rooms.

(Y/N) sits and thinks about why the thieves only wanted the dust from the shop. Then the door opens and a man with gray hair and glasses that were way to small for his face and holding two coffee mugs walks in and sits down across from (Y/N) and offers one of the mugs to him.

????: (Y/N) (L/N). Thats was a impressive display of quick and precise defensive thinking.

(Y/N): I assume you're the one who offered me this job in the first place.
"Takes a sip of coffee"

????: And quite the detective as well. You assume correct I am Professor Ozpin, headmaster at Beacon Acadamy.

(Y/N): How come you wanted me to take this job, little red seemed to have things well in hand?

Ozpin: Ms. Rose is not one of my students she just happened to be there at the same time you were. Secondly I wanted to test your abilities which while impressive can still be honed and improved.

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