"Oh, you think you're so cool huh?" The Stone Team's other teammate, Raizo, said sarcastically. "Just because you're a Genin doesn't mean you have what it takes to be a Chunin, we're the best Genin from our village, what makes you think you're so special hot stuff?" 

"It wasn't my intention to offend you, I was just-" 

"Just shut up already. We'll wait," Horo stated as he glared at Naruto and then the girl and her teammates who had defended him. "But we'll be killing you last, so you can see your idiot teammates die first." 


Naruto's eyes lit up as they turned crimson red, two black tomoes circling around his pupil, which glared at the Stone Genin who froze as killing intent was felt throughout the atmosphere. 

"How does he have this type of presence? He's just a kid!" Horo stammered as he felt his lungs take less oxygen in, the pressure of death overlooking him like rain does a storm cloud. Was he going to die? 

"Please refrain from threatening my teammates," Naruto said, his head tilted just slightly to the left, his grin never disappearing. "I'd hate to have to kill you."  

"Naruto Namikaze!" The Chunin shouted. The whole crowd of Genin froze, now all attention on Naruto as he smiled at the Stone Genin, his Sharingan was still active. 

"N-Nami..kaze?" Horo whispered in a terrified voice. 

"That's right, I look like my dad don't I?" He said before he glanced at the Kumo ninja who had defended him. She was a couple of inches taller than him, probably twelve or thirteen from his first guess. She already had a developing bust, which was surprising for kids their age, but that didn't matter. She had narrowed blue eyes and bright blonde hair that reached her shoulders. "Thank you, despite you defending someone like me, I thank you!" He bowed. "But I have to go, I'll see ya later!" 

The girl seemed taken aback by the ten-year-old's words but nodded. 

"No problem, you seem pretty cool so yeah." He grinned as he turned around and exit the shaded area, the sun hitting his body as a sudden warmth enveloped him, his smile increasing as he saw Izumi wave at him before going into the room where the candidates that passed went. 

"Hello Namikaze," A Chunin greeted. "The exam is easy, just gather your chakra and release it. Depending on how strong it is will depend on whether you pass or not." Naruto nodded before looking at the Jounin, who was a dark-skinned man dressed in the normal Kumo Jounin attire. 

He had his white hair slicked back all the way in little cornrows with a pair of glasses on his face, hiding his eyes with a single red tattoo on his shoulder, a budding mustache and beard growing on his face. 

"Hello, thank you for evaluating me!" Naruto said, bowing respectfully, getting a nod from the Jounin, who grinned. 

"No problemo kid, just let's get started so we can advance!" Naruto nodded before clasping his hands together, his fingers intertwining with each other like stitches before an awkward silence assumed. 

"You can release it when you want," The Chunin said as a bead of sweat flowed down his chin. Naruto only grit his teeth. 

"I am!" He shouted. A group of chuckles could be heard from the Genin under the shade, laughing at the kid who couldn't even activate his chakra. 

"Then this test is over," The Chunin began but the Jounin put a hand on his shoulder.

"Patience," He whispered. The Chunin nodded nervously as he waited. 

"Just give up already!" Naruto heard Horo shout. 

No. He could do it. He would do it. 

"I have to become Hokage!" Naruto shouted as he felt a burning sensation in his throat and nose. "I have to surpass my dad!" He cried louder as blood began leaking out of his nose as he suddenly coughed up blood, it splattering across the dirt. 

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