When I was four

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“Hello there! My name is Izuku Midoriya, and this is my story.

It started when I was four. You see I live in a world where 80% of the population has a super power or quirk.
My best friend, Kacchan got his quirk a few months before and with no sign of my quirk mama and papa took me to see a quirk doctor.

He said I had a quirk but after hours of testing all they could work out was that it had something to do with my blood.

Eventually they gave up and sent us home.

The rest of the day was normal, I played with my sisters and went to bed.

Later I woke up to Miya, my eldest sister, shaking me awake. “Izu, do you hear that?” She asked me as I heard shouting from down the corridor.

Getting up I walked down the hall towards the sound radiating from our living room.

“How could you be so stupid?! The doctors said it themselves! His quirk has to do with his blood! Which means that not only does he have a villainous quirk but he has been looking through our stuff like I told you!” I heard papa screamed as I flinched back.

I stumbled into a podium and knocked it over alerting papa to my presence.

I only remember running after that.

Papa chased me around the house, screaming at me. Throwing things at me as mama tried to stop him. Miya led me out of the house as we ran away from him at top speed.

We ran so far, till I was lost and had no light around me. We ran till the sounds of the city became a distant echo of people and cars. We ran till are legs gave out and we couldn’t run anymore.

But we could run far enough. Papa was behind us, he pushed us down and started to kick me, pnch me, beat every part of me. He was screaming at me, about how he wouldn’t let a villain into his family and how he would stop me from ever having the chance to become one.

He punched and kicked me over and over again until he noticed it. A long metal pipe lying on the floor a bit away from us.

He held it up, high above my head as the sick smile plague his face, finally in what felt like slow motion he brought it down on me. Crushing my skull.

After that it was dark, pitch black. There wasn’t an up or down only the void I learnt to call home. I could feel the throbbing all across my body but papa wasn’t there anymore. No one was.

I felt alone. I felt scared. I felt in pain.

I was alone. I was scared. I was in pain.

I remember a voice. Deep and clear but high and distorted as the same time. He talked to me and said that next time I opened my eyes I would be awake.

I didn’t know what he meant till the next day.

I was still dark but not the pitch black I was used to. I couldn’t move like I had been able to and panic spread throughout my veins.

I desperately tried to get out of my confidentments. I had screamed and hit the walls until my voice was hoarse and my hands were raw and bloody, before finally giving up and quietly crying unable to curl into a ball.

“Hello, is someone there?”

I will never forget Riko, he saved my life after all.

He was about 15 but look 10, something to do with his quirk, he had short black hair and was very small. His gold eyes had been filled with so much worry it made me feel bad.

I was in some kind of church and Riko had assumed someone had played a mean prank on me as he lifted me out of the coffin I had been stuffed inside of.

We talked as we waited for his grandfather to arrive.

Mostly it was about nonsense till he told me about his brother. He had died leaving him and his elder sister alone with their grandfather.

That was the moment I realised. He couldn't see them.

"Riko, your brother is right behind you." 

The look on Riko's face is something I will never forget. a look of pure horror.

To say he didn't react well was an understatement. He screamed at me for what felt like hours but couldn't have been a few minutes. I was so scared.

He only stopped when a man, who I now know was his grandfather, came and calmed him down.

It took half an hour to calm Riko down and an hour to calm me down. 

I hadn't noticed the people coming in until I heard my name.

When I looked up I could see mama and Kacchan staring at me.

Turns out I was dead for a week. That day was my funeral.

So yeah, I'm immortal and see the dead." I finished off quickly as I looked around the room.

All Might just stared at me shock showing in his eyes.

Nezu had a wide grin on, which freaked me out a bit.

Present Mic and Midnight were still in shock from the events leading to this speech and subsequently had collapsed on the floor.

Aizawa only rolled his eyes. "That still doesn't explain the cat or that girl," he growled as I smiled.

"Icicles is my familiar, a part of my quirk and Miya is my sister." I explained but Aizawa just stared at me. "My quirk is called 'Reaper' I died and was given a second chance. I can summon the dead if I want and I can turn cute little Icy here into that fire cat demon cat."

"I thought you said Miya was alive so when did she die?" Present Mic asked as he recovered to be hit over the head by Midnight.

"Don't ask that!" She ordered as I laughed.

"It's alright, and I never told you my sister were alive." I joked as Miya laughed.

"While I understand all this, how have you been able to malipulate the elements!" Nezu asked me as I laughed.

"That's a different story completely."

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