''Can't you see, that I'm ignoring you?" I asked the girl next to me as she just looked at me confused. "Go and find another boy to have fun with cause you're really annoying and your hair looks musty'' I said with my eyes still closed, enjoying the music.The girl hit me with me purse and 2 things fell on the ground. picked them up and started to laugh.

''Thanks, I really needed gum and...oh, yeah, something to look like a clown.'' I laughed while pointing at the lipstick. She flipped me off and left her away as I smirked. Another day of peace.


I got to my first class in time and rushed to sit down so that no one would notice me.

"Sweets, why is your hair chewing gum?" I wanted to mentally hurt Adam when he whispered that into my ear.

"I don't know Adam. I think it wants to smell better than your breathe.

"Funny." He scoffed and I could feel his eyes on me the whole time.

"I'll -" right as Adam was about to speak the doors opened loudly buy that didn't stop anyone from talking.

Ms. Higgins rolled her eyes when she entered the class noticing no one was paying attention.

"Okay class, today we will study vectors." Said Ms. Higgins while pointing at the blackboard, hitting her ruler to it multiple times to grab our attention.

I heard someone snort and I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

''No offence Ms. I don't know who you are;'' He said while getting up from his seat and walking next to her''- I think you'd get paid better at a McDonald's and actually do something more valuable there than here.'' He said to her then got his backpack, looked at me, rolled his eyes and left.

What did I do? I wondered as Ms. Higgins continued with her lesson as if nothing happened. How does he have this effect on everyone?

The bell rang and I started heading towards my next class when someone jumped on me. The person then hit my shoulder and I just groaned.

"I haven't seen you in ages!" I got up from the ground and saw Skylar. She was so happy to see me. She just looked at me while laughing and I just rolled my eyes and smiled at her while trying to see if I broke something.

"You literally saw me today." I said while laughing. She just rolled her eyes and looked into my eyes while groaning.

"Like I said, ages." She said then I just shook my head, and stared making my way to the cafeteria. She caught up with me.

"Now, tell me what happened yesterday." She said excited.


I told her everything that happened after I got out of school yesterday.

When I was done talking, her mouth was almost on the floor.

"Oh my god, he lives next to you." She said with dreamy eyes.

"Did you lose the part where I said that he was stalking us?" I asked and she just nodded.

"It's creepy, how do I know that he's not stalking us right now?" I said and she just grinned. I shook my head knowing what she was going to do next.

"Adam Stone, would you like to be my stalker!" She screamed as I covered her mouth.

"What if he heard you!" I looked around only to notice no one was paying attention to us.

"See, nothing to worry about." She said and I just shook my head while laughing.

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