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"No Mel.",Melissa said to herself as she flipped the pages of one of her textbooks. "You're not missing him.",she swore. " You are studying,you are definitely not worried that he still didn't return !"

She felt her right hand betraying her the next moment as it instinctively reached for her phone.

"God.",she groaned. "I'm a disgrace."

She pulled her hair up in a knot simultaneously fixing it with a clutcher. She drew the blanket on herself after curling into a ball on the sofa  by wrapping her hands around her legs.

Cozy enough she smiled now as she licked the spoon dipped in the nutella jar.

"I'm enjoying my time.",she told the room with a sigh. "It's good to be alone. Me time."

The room reciprocated her sentiment with its silence.

"Why did I have to look like a fool by expecting something that could never happen?",she whispered. "Did I really think he could even like me ? He is a fucking prince who belongs to a different world !"

She dipped her spoon in the nutella again before savouring the sweetness.

"You liked him you stupid bitch. Now deal with yourself getting hurt.",she added. "And now you're the classic case of the pathetic heartbroken girl who got her little feelings hurt, crying over her boyfriend with chocolate."

"UGGGGHHHH!.",she cried. "He's not even one!"


" The world of ours is no longer the same,my Prince. Terrible things happen now and Findara is going to face great peril in the near future."

Adrian walked around the deserted alley of the residence as he remembered Brad's words.

"  With Prince Zach's current whereabouts unknown.",Brad had expressed his concern. "There is no hope left for the South. His father is a dangerous man. The North can be the only one stopping him as long as the King and the Queen are alive. You must return soon finishing your exile."

How were his parents? And Zach? Where was his brother? He had to be alright. His uncle would never stoop to the level of harming his own son ,would he?

He was scared for his family.

The exile still had another nine months to go.

He would never be allowed to enter ever again if he appeared before that, the laws were very clear.

He had to communicate with the council somehow.

"The human world is too small for werewolves to maintain a cover identity,Alpha.",Adrian had frowned. "Soon you and your pack will need to hunt. What happens then?"

"We do the unimaginable.",Brad had replied. "We kill the humans surrounding us to sustain ourselves and take their identities."

"You'll stay away from Melissa."

Adrian remembered himself glaring daggers at the werewolf leader.

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