Chapter 26

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"Get out now," the female Yorkshire terrier ordered, her paws crossed over her chest as she glared at the whole group. Attempting to win them passage, Snowball propped his head up with one paw while his elbow rested on her desk. Looking her right in the eye, the white rabbit batted his eyelashes as he pleaded, "Can we please just enter pretty little thing?"


"I like your bow."

"Still no."

"But I didn't even-"


"Look, we just want to bust our friend out of here because he was framed for a crime he didn't commit. Is that a good enough reason to get in here?"

"You just told her our plan you idiot..." Max muttered, facepawing himself.


"The answer is still no."


"You're trespassing on private property."

"This is an abandoned warehouse."

"Get out before I call security."

"Listen here lady!" Gidget barked. Before anyone could stop her, the fluffy white Pomeranian hopped up onto the desk. Glowering down at the Yorkshire terrier, she growled, "My best friend was framed for a crime he never committed. We're busting him out and no one is stopping us, not even you ya dirty fleabag." Eyes widening, Mel leaned over towards Buddy and whispered, "That's just cold..." The dachshund nodded his head in agreement with the pug. Just then, the gang heard a familiar but unwanted voice pipe up, "Ah, so the friends are busting their pal out. Newsflash kiddos, your amigo already did that job for you." Looking over at the German shepherd, Duke asked, "What do you mean?"

"Come on, I'll show you," Benedict replied, heading towards the basement of the warehouse turned facility. The gang followed him. The last to leave the receptionist desk, Snowball pointed at the Yorkshire terrier and stated, "By the way, I absolutely hate that bow and you're not pretty. Bye." He quickly hopped away when she threw a tissue box at him. Arriving in the basement, the rabbit's eyes widened at what he saw. Glancing around, he asked, "What happened here?"

The basement was trashed. There was broken glass on the floor, a large cage with the door wide open and a shattered window. The place was littered with fur and feathers. Tools were laying either on or around a table. If one looked hard enough, there was also drops of blood here and there. The whole place was a mess. Looking over at the gang, Benedict remarked, "This is why you should not trust wild animals. Even if they seem friendly or weak, they are savages through and through. It's in their DNA, no changing that."

"What are you going to do? Kill Eagle Eye?" Pops questioned. Turning to the old dog, Benedict replied, "Yes. He's a threat to the community and we're not taking any chances. We've already had three attacks since he escaped this morning." Without another word, he left to join a search team. His eyes widening, Norman exclaimed, "We can't let them get Tiberius!"

"They won't because we're gonna find him first," Snowball declared as he held up a GPS.

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