Chapter 23

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"Momma, I'm hungry," a small hawk whimpered, her statement followed by her growling stomach. She flinched in pain as tears brimmed in her golden eyes. The nestling's mother gazed down at her daughter with a face of sadness. She had already watched her mate and two of her other nestlings die from the harsh environment of this place they had been taken to. All three had died about two days earlier, all dying within an hour of each other. Now she was left with her last nestling and her son from another set of nestlings.

Hearing his tiny little sister Elisa crying, Eisenhower glanced over at his mom and sister. He hated seeing his family suffer like this. He had watched his own two brothers starve to death and then an hour later watched his father get beaten to death by the guards who claimed they were trying to protect them.

Being locked up in a cage with other red tailed hawks did not feel like protection.

Backing away from the wires that made up the large cage, Eisenhower almost got trampled by two hawks fighting for a scrap of meat. Going around them, he limped over to his mother and sister. His feet were slowly killing him as he walked, the talons all but gone, having had been chopped off a week prior to today. If they were to ever get out of this horrible place, he would not last long on his own in the world like he did before being captured. Talons that were snapped off would never grow back. A hawk who had either broken talons or terrible eyesight was a dead one.

And this all happened out of paranoia towards the bird everyone was calling the killer hawk.

The moment he laid down beside Elisa and his mother, Eisenhower heard a door opened. A second later, all the hawks in the cage who were screeching their heads off nonstop went silent, though a few whispered. Confused, the young red tailed hawk looked over his shoulder to see that the German shepherd called Benedict was back. And he had brought with him a new roommate for all of them. Standing up, his mother gasped when she saw who it was. Now even more bewildered as he stumbled to his aching feet, Eisenhower peered around a few heads to see it was an older red tail with a muzzle and a looped stick around his neck while Benedict lead him towards the cage door. "Mom?" the juvenile asked, "Who is that?"

"It's the descendant of Horus the Wise himself."

Sensing the other red tailed hawks, young and old, staring at him, Tiberius kept his head low as he allowed Benedict to lead him towards the cage door. He didn't try fighting back, not one little bit. All the fight had left him. Holding still while the German shepherd loosened the loop around his neck, the old hawk was pushed in through the cage door. Now inside with the other hawks, he flinched when he heard the door slam shut behind him, followed by it being locked. Peering through the wires of the cage, Benedict grumbled, "Welcome to your new home."

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