Chapter 3

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"Is there a reason why we needed to go out for a walk today? It's so steaming hot..." Max panted the next day as he laid in the shade with his pals Mel and Buddy. Pepe was laying on his back, his paws twitching erratically. While the pug was fanning him, the dachshund lifted his head and answered the Jack Russell terrier's question, "I honestly don't know. What I do know is that you might be going home alone." He pointed over to the side where Duke had flopped down on the dusty earth. The giant mutt looked like he was being cooked alive.

"Let's agree right now that Snowball needs to stop making time machines and instead make a pool," Mel declared. Looking up at his best friend, Buddy remarked, "That is the greatest idea I have heard from you. Good job man." The pug beamed with pride at the praise.

"I'm just praying that we'll be leaving soon so we can get back home to the air conditioners and fans," Max piped up. Looking around the Washington Square dog park, he didn't see any dogs doing anything other than trying to find shade and panting heavily. Their owners appeared to be suffering too. It was quite obvious that no one wanted to be out in the sun this hot summer day. Unable to move anything but his face, Duke glanced over at his companions. His tongue hanging out of his mouth while he panted, he mumbled, "I think I need a haircut."

"Well you have an appointment with the groomer sometime this week," Max reminded him.

"Oh thank god..."

"I think I see the light..." Mel whimpered, exhausted from fanning Buddy as he collapsed onto his back beside his friend. Glancing over at the pug laying next to him, the dachshund sighed heavily before muttering, "That's because you're staring directly at the sun."

"That might explain why my eyeballs are burning- what was that?"

"What was what?"

"I just saw an angel."


"Am I dying?"

"Mel, you are not dying- wait, I just saw it too..." Max murmured as he looked up. However, the thing he saw had now disappeared. Pepe, in the meantime, was beginning to whimper and shake like a leaf. Duke reached over to try calming him down when a huge shadow passed over all five dogs. Eyes widening, Buddy turned to the others and asked, "Just to be clear, you all saw that too... right?" Tipping his head back, Max had to squint his eyes in order to see the dark shape in the sky above a little better. Though he couldn't see many details, it appeared to be a bird of sorts. Huffing, the Jack Russell terrier stated, "Guys, it's just a bird passing by. Nothing to worry about."

"Then why is it circling above us like that?" Mel asked, trembling a little. The others looked up to see what he was talking about. Sure enough, the bird was circling. Max could've sworn that it was staring at them too. Gulping, he mumbled, "It might be a vulture." Turning to his brother, Duke questioned him, "How sure are you about that?" The smaller dog had no reply as he laid his chin on his paws, tired and hot. He just wanted to go home now.

"LOOK OUT!" a beagle howled all of the sudden, bringing everyone's attention back to the skies where the bird was diving down with open talons...

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