Chapter 2

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"Let me guess. You guys failed your hunting exam?" Chloe muttered as the five dogs arrived at the apartment building to find almost everyone else in Max and Duke's apartment. Nodding his head, the large Newfoundland mix added, "I never even got to it. The others lost it."

"Wasn't my fault!" Mel yipped, defending himself.

"Nobody was saying that it was your fault..." Buddy muttered.

"Either way, Tiberius is now going for the squirrel by himself," Gidget concluded. Tired, the fluffy white Pomeranian sat down. Following her example, Max murmured, "Honestly, I think he was planning on doing that. No offense!" The terrier had put in that last part when his girlfriend had given him a glare. Clearing his throat, he turned to the others in his apartment and asked, "Anyways, what have you guys been up to while we were gone?"

"Nothing much. Just complimenting my beautiful Rhonda," Pops answered, blinking his eyes lovingly at the gray tabby. Rolling her green eyes, Chloe grumbled, "Ignoring him."

"Watching a movie. Or at least trying to find one to watch," Norman squeaked from where he was on the couch with Sweetpea, Leonard and Ozone.

Glancing around the room with a thoughtful expression on his face, Max's eyes landed on Snowball. The white rabbit was reading something he had pulled up on his phone screen and was strangely quiet. Sighing heavily, the Jack Russell terrier padded over to his friend and nudged him gently. When that did nothing, he pushed a little harder. Still nothing. Coming over to help his brother, Duke shoved Snowball to the floor and barked, "Snowball, did you hear the question?"

"Yes I heard it! And there was no need for that!" Snowball retorted, getting back up on his paws. He rubbed his back with one paw while he turned his phone towards the two dog brothers. "I was just reading something about an attack that happened last night," he went on. Facepawing himself, Max muttered, "Another one? Man, you have to stop reading those reports. They're rotting your brain... or what's left of it."

"Okay, first of all, ouch. Secondly, ouch again. Thirdly, this is serious. This is the seventh attack in three days and there are eleven animals dead! And no one is able to tell what the heck is attacking because they're either dead or too traumitized to talk! Fourthly, OW!" Snowball retorted. Glancing back down at his phone with a heavy sigh while his long ears drooped behind him, the white rabbit mumbled quietly, "I have this really bad feeling that this is going to become much more worse than what it is right now."

"Relax," Max said reassuringly, "Nothing bad is going to happen. We're totally fine."

Friend or Killer?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz