Chapter 57 - Train Tracks

Start from the beginning

"I think I'd have to agree." Eugene spoke. "The layout of the corpses gives the impression that they were swarming around one target not several, but these fellows over here weren't taken out like those others." Eugene observed, standing on the edge of the train track and looking into the edge of the woods where another good 15 walkers lay dead. Glenn moved over to have a look and saw that he was right. A few seemed to have died from close up precise knife wounds and some from shot gun blasts that blew their heads near off, among other ways. "There's too many different weapons been used here for one person alone."

"I don't know." Glenn shook his head. "But this was her." He pointed to the walkers with machete wounds. "And if she was here, she's seen that sign."

"You think she went to Terminus?" Tara asked.

"I think Maggie would want to go there. They could be together. Maggie got off the bus to look for Beth, their youngest sister, she could have run into Kat while she was looking. The three of them could have made it out together. And Tara saw Kat grab a lot of supplies at the prison. She may not be alone even if she was here. It doesn't mean the others weren't back at a camp somewhere. But if Kat is alone... I don't know if she'd go there." He nodded to the map. "Maybe to look for people, but... Kats more cautious."

"But Maggie would try?" Tara asked.


"Then what's wrong?"

"I don't have a trail for Maggie, just a hunch. I do for Kat. I know part of this at least was her. I don't know if I should try and follow it and find her or keep going. I have to find Maggie, but if I can find some of the other on they way..."

"Your wife would go to Terminus?" Rosita asked. He nodded. "And if she was with her sister, they'd both go together looking for you?"

"Maybe, yeah. It would take some convincing on Maggie's part, but if Maggie wanted to Kay's give in, follow her there."

"But if your sister in law is on her own wouldn't she be looking for your wife?" Rosita then offered. "Even if she didn't go inside, she'd at least try and find this place looking for Maggie and you if she thought that's where you'd go."


"All we've got is maybe." Tara said.

And so it was decided. They followed the tracks further up, heading for this so called sanctuary. It was miles before they stumbled across another sign. One that made Glenn pick up the pace and run.

Written in mud over the map were the words GLENN. GO TO TERMINUS. MAGGIE, SASHA, BOB.

Third Person - Daryl

Daryl woke early in the morning to go for a hunt, his own stomach being the thing that woke him. He had found a rabbit and was carefully taking his aim but when he fired a second arrow flew past his head and hit the target at such a similar time it was hard to tell which hit it first.

He looked behind him and saw the man with the compound bow looking overly pleased with himself.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Catching me some breakfast."

"Well that's mine." Daryl shot back before going to collect his kill.

"My arrows the one that hit first. That cotton tail belongs to me."

"I've been out here since before the sun came up." Daryl said back as he removed the arrows.

"See the rules of the hunt don't mean jack out here. Now that rabbit you're holding... it's claimed. Claimed whether you like it or not. So if I was you I'd hand it over... now. Before you get to wishing you never got out of bed this morning."

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