Another Attack

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*Time skip because I need the school year to be over now... ;)*

"I actually passed?!" Matt exclaimed as he looked over his N.E.W.T.s.

"Probably by accident," I teased as I looked over my own test results.

It was the end of the school year and it felt weird to know that I wouldn't be going back to Hogwarts for the next school semester. Matt and I had decided to celebrate by going to an old quiet bookstore that was tucked away in Diagon Alley and look over our test schools while we enjoy some cookies and milk. It was just us because the other member of our squad, Zander, declined, saying he was "very busy".

"Oh, yeah?" He laughed. "What did you get?"

I looked at his N.E.W.T.S. then mine.

"I got ten more than you did," I chortled gleefully. (I don't know how N.E.W.T.s work so forgive me if that's not how it works.)

Matt looked at mine and chucked his papers at me. I laughed as the air caught them and flung them right back at him.

"So, what do you plan on doing for a profession?" I asked as he bent over and picked them up.

"I'm applying for an Auror," he replied. "Don't know if I'll get it, though."

"Why?" I snatched the last chocolate chocolate chip cookie from the basket in front of us.

"I'm a bit of an idiot."

I looked at him skeptically. The look probably didn't have the effect I was shooting for because of my milk mustache and the cookie crumbs decorating my mouth.

"No, you're not." I pointed at the N.E.W.T.s he got for Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Look. In this class you got one of the highest scores."

"Yeah, I guess. But I'm just so..."

"Just so..." I prompted.

He blew some air out through his nose in frustration.

"I dunno. I feel like in this world of wizards I'll never be good enough."

I dusted my face with a napkin. "Could you exploit your reasoning?"

"Well," he leaned back in his chair. "I'm not really smart and good at magic like Zander. And you're a-."

I shot him a look. I didn't know who could be listening and was still not okay with the ministry knowing I was an anmargris.

"-really cool person," he caught himself. "Who is also good at magic

I shrugged. "Would you prefer if you had some cool magical talent?" I asked.

His eyes lit up. "Oh, yeah."

"Hm," I swiped the crumbs from the table in front of me and stood up. "Well, I guess we'll have fun if we're put in the same area."

He blinked at me. "What?"

I smirked. "I'm applying to be an Auror too!"

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