What Happened After

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Two months later I sat by the lake at Hogwarts. I was fine from the little excursion in the woods though it had left its mark.

I heard a squeaking noise behind me and then a voice said "Hey".

I turned and smiled at Matt.

Matt had gone to receive medical care in the muggle world because of his parents. He had barely been able to convince them to let him come back to school. Before he left for the muggle hospital it had been found that his right leg, the leg that was attacked, hadn't been bitten by the werewolf just scratched with its claws, though because of the poor help muggle doctors had provided Matt had to wear a metal brace that squeaked when he walked, though we were all sure he wouldn't have to wear it if he just received medical help from Madam Pomphrey but Matt's parents had forbidden it.


"Any news on Whitehurst?" he asked as he sat by me.

"Whitehurst is still missing. It turns out the Mistress McGonigal wasn't actually going to break his wand right then and there but the chances were slim for him staying in the wizarding community especially now. He almost got caught about a week ago but he used some magic that isn't taught at Hogwarts to get away; don't worry, he didn't kill anyone just wounded two people."


We both didn't know how to fell about our friend. We both knew what happened in the forest wasn't Z's fault but then his action after was hard to defend. Whenever someone brought it up Matt and I had decided that we would try to get on a different topic or just leave the room. We were still a bit uncomfortable about talking about it between the two of us but we seemed to be the only ones that understood Z.

"How are you, Mil?" Matt asked.

"I'm fine."

"Really? Because..." Matt fiddled with one of the gears on his brace, "everything that been going on with... your... family and then there's this whole thing with Zander and... I mean... we're only thirteen."

I swallowed a lump. "We're strong for thirteen."

Matt frowned and rubbed his thumb across the top of the brace. "You and Zander might be but..."

I looked over at him but he wouldn't meet my eye.

"You're strong, Ludiker."

"Not really," he sighed. "I'm not even a true Gryffindor. I'm not brave or courageous. I'm just... a mudblood."

"Matt!" I scolded. "You are courageous! You are strong! And you are not a "mudblood"! Why would you say that?"

"Alright, you want to know how I really feel?" Matt said tightly. "I'm mad and scared. I wanted to play on the Gryffindor Quidditch team but with this cursed thing." he gripped his brace as if he were going to rip it off "I'm not strong. And... and sometimes I wish I never met Zander! I've been thinking of all the things I could be doing right now if it weren't for him."

I couldn't think of what to say. Should I calmly try to calm his fears and talk to him or should I slap him and tell him to get a hold of himself. I was just so frustrated and tired that I thought of doing the latter but instead, I chose plan C and just got up walked away.

He struggled to his feet and tried to limp after me as fast as he could while his brace squeaked.

"Did I make you mad?"

"You don't control my emotions, Ludiker."

"So... yes?"


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