New Old Life

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Task #1 and a Christmas party- Reads #0 Votes #1
Here at Hogwarts we got lots of Pretty Witches- Reads #0 Votes #0
The Dog Returns to it's Sick- Reads #0 Votes #1
Me: *Squint* H-how?

Zander's pov
One week later

I dragged Millie into the wrecked building and set her down. She looked dead and it made me want to cry. But I had to do this, it was for the good of everyone. And I was not going back to Azkaban.

I tore myself away. Aurors would arrive any second and I had to make my story look real. I had already dragged my unconscious and oblivarated father in. My goal is that they had to actually look like a building had collapsed on them. With Matt it wasn't hard because the building really had fallen on him and it looked like he had busted his arm so I had already had oblivarated and apparated him away.

The house was shifting so it wasn't long before Millie, father, and I were dirty enough to look like the building had indeed collapsed on us.

I smacked my father upside the head for good measure and apparated him to where I had Matt, which was about a mile away in a small grove of trees. I apparated back to Millie and felt tears pricking my eyes again.

"What are you doing?" One side of my brain screamed. "These are your friends!"

"Not going back to Azkaban!" I answered aloud.

I started to walk over to Millie, my feet crunching over glass from a picture frame. I looked down and saw it was a picture of a lady with long black hair. I stopped and wondered if maybe it was my mother.

Then I heard the beam above Millie shift I looked up and dashed over right as it fell. I was able to grab it as it landed on my shoulder. Pain shot through me as it slowly pushed me to my knees. If I dropped the beam then Millie's skull would get crushed like an egg.

Mist curled around me and I pushed harder, ignoring my screaming shoulder. My hands started to thin and turn into the dark mist that was inside me. I pushed back going full mode, knowing I could kill Millie if I did. I shoved the mist against the beam and dove down and grabbed her and shoved her away as the mist part of me gave way. I was barely able to pull myself away before the beam completely fell, crushing the floor.

I jolted up, gasping for air. I looked around at my new home and took slow deep breaths.

Just another nightmare. It had happened and it was pass.

I now lived in a small excuse for a home that I had started to call the shack. It only had a uncomfortable cot and a table and two chairs.

I reached for my wand and lit it up, then swung my feet out of bed. I walked over to my trunk and pulled out a book.

"'Bout time you woke up."

I started, dropping the book and pointing my wand at the speaker.

She sat cross legged in a dark corner by my bed. She had a newspaper in her hands and looked unconcerned.


"You idiot." She tapped her head.

I touched my own and realized:

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