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April didn't say anything for what felt like forever. And then she broke into a huge, bright smile.

"Wow, Minnie. That's awesome. I didn't know you had a boyfriend."

Oh, boy. Here we go.

"I don't," Minnie replied.

"A sex partner?" April's eyes sparkled. "You go girl!"

"It was a one time thing," Minnie said.

"A one night stand?" April asked.

"Well, two to be exact," Minnie shrugged. 

April thought about that for a moment.

"Wait, how far gone are you?"

"Ten weeks."

April's eyes widened. "Is it Christopher's?"

Minnie nodded slowly. "I didn't mean for it to happen." A single tear rolled down her cheek. "Some old feelings came back and it just happened."

"Twice." April filled in and raised her hands in surrender when she caught Minnie's glare. "Are you keeping it?" she then asked. When Minnie nodded she asked:  "Are you going to tell him?"

"I should, right?" 

"Yes, you should."


"Yo, Dolan. How's life?"

Such a simple question, but so hard to answer. Christopher looked up from the paper and glanced over at his best friend and partner, Vic Jhones.

"Fine," Christopher shrugged.

"You're being really quiet. And you haven't once made a comment about the fact that I washed my shirt on the wrong program and it's now way too tight around my arms, which is very unlike you."

Christopher threw a glance at Vic's tight shirt and smirked as he said "I just thought you were trying to impress me."

Vic rolled his eyes as he said "There he is." Then he turned serious. "But seriously, what's going on?"

Christopher thought back at the ten weeks since the wedding. He had been sleeping really bad and felt really bad. Especially since the person that had been on his mind had not been his fiance. He thought over whether to tell Vic or not, and finally decided that he needed to tell someone.

"I slept with another woman," he finally admitted.

Vic blinked a few times and were unusually quiet. "Okay," he finally said.

"I feel so bad," Christopher said. "But I can't stop thinking about her." 

Vic nodded. "So you know her? The other one."

"Yes. We used to date when we were younger, but we broke up and then we met again, many years later and old feelings came back and we had sex with each other." Christopher thought for a moment before he asked. "Should I tell Amanda?"

Vic were quiet for a while before he answered. "Yes. You can't hide this from her. It's not fair to her."

Christopher got home after a long day at work and found that Amanda was already asleep. He grabbed his work phone from his pocket and turned it off, then he grabbed his private phone from the counter. He turned it on and found that he had a new text message from an unknown number.

Hi, this is Minnie Caliente. 
I got your number from
Ethan. Something has
happened and there's
something I need to tell
you. Call me when you're
available. Day or night.

Christopher glanced at the time. 2:41 AM, Monday morning. He probably shouldn't call her now. He wondered what she wanted. Had she been thinking about him too? And what was the something that had happened? He put his phone down and went into his and Amanda's bedroom. He saw her lying there fast asleep. He felt bad..

Amanda somehow must've felt him standing there. Her eyes fluttered open and she whispered with a tired voice. "You're home." She smiled tiredly at him, then frowned when she noticed him not moving. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I slept with someone else," Christopher finally said after a long moment of silence.

Amanda reached over and turned her side light on. "When?" she asked looking confused. 

"About two and a half months ago," Christopher said. He found it hard looking Amanda in the eyes.

"Who is she?"

Christopher watched as Amanda sat up. Her eyes were blank and tired. He felt really bad for what he had done.

"Minnie Caliente."

Tears left Amanda's eyes. They had had a conversation in the past where they spoke about their past girlfriends/boyfriends. After their conversation, Christopher had caught Amanda looking up some of his former girlfriends online. Amanda knew exactly who Minnie was. 

Amanda looked at him for a long time, not saying anything. 

Then she spoke.


And Christopher did.

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