Rhys turns and follows the other men out of the plane. He stands on the top of the steps waiting for us to collect our hand luggage. The captain steps out of the cockpit and Daniel reaches out to shake his hand. "Thank you, Captain for allowing us to wait on the plane, we are very grateful."

"Nonsense, Mr Weston. It's my pleasure to provide any help that I can. The press are behaving disgustingly towards you and your partner. I wish you safe onward travels." The captain nods towards me too before shaking my hand. I don't trust myself to speak, so I just force another smile.

"The media are behind the fence over there..." Rhys points as we reach the plane door. "You won't hear them, but their cameras will definitely be able to take some clear shots of you both. Take a deep breath... try to look relaxed. Lizzie, wrap your cardigan around you... a shot of your bump now will be the perfect picture for one of those fuckers."

I do as I'm told and drape my cardigan around my stomach while taking some deep breaths to try and control my emotions. Reaching behind me, I feel for Daniel's hand. Relief washes over me when he intertwines his fingers with mine.

I briefly turn to watch his acting skills kick in when he clears the frustrated expression from his features. Now he appears at ease despite the fact I can feel his hand trembling. Trying desperately to mirror his expression, I follow Rhys down the airplane steps.

Several black cars wait for us at the bottom of the steps. Rhys swiftly opens the door to Lawrence's familiar car. I quickly get in and shuffle across. Daniel is right behind me before Rhys closes the door. 

We both greet Lawrence warmly, but he must be able to tell that neither of us are in the mood to make conversation. He discreetly closes the divide to finally give us some privacy as Rhys takes the seat next to him. Daniel lifts his arm, and without hesitation I cuddle up against him.

"Everything is going to be fine." He quietly murmurs against my hair.

"I know." I whisper back.

The car begins to speed away, and I suddenly feel on edge again. This should be on a movie set, not happening in real life.

Attempting to remain calm, I cling to Daniel. The sensation of him repeatedly turning to look out the back window makes my heart sink through the floor. "What's going on?" I reluctantly ask as my heart then begins to pound in my chest.

"We're being fucking followed by photographers on motorbikes." He spits venomously. 

I jump up to turn round and see at least four bikes behind the car, weaving in and out of the traffic as we travel home. To our despair, the car begins to slow as we hit traffic. A thump on Daniel's window makes me scream in fright as the flash of a camera erupts into the car. Daniel holds his coat up against the glass so they can't take any further photographs of us. "Mother fuckers!" Daniel roars. "Lawrence... get us out of here!"

More bangs hit the windows as the car is trapped in stationary traffic. The camera flashes are blinding. As the photographers are now on both sides of the car, Daniel chooses to shield us both with his coat instead. He holds me close against him while I'm frozen in fear. "I'm so sorry." He mutters, his voice laced with desperation.

"Hold on!" Lawrence commands over the speaker before I can respond to Daniel. Lawrence briefly mounts the curb to drive down a side street. The unmarked police cars block the route of some of the motorbikes so we can continue on our journey. Lawrence then briefly pulls over as the police cars turn on their flashing lights. One swiftly overtakes us waiting for Lawrence to pull back onto the road, while the other flanks our car from behind. An enormous wave of relief floods through me as the traffic moves to allow us through.

We make our way home with the police escort never leaving their formation, but we're very aware that there is still at least one photographer on a motorbike hot on our heels.

As we drive closer to our house, Rhys lowers the divide. His usually neutral expression is tense and frustrated. The flush of his cheeks demonstrates just how annoyed he is. "Right... I'm just going to say it how it is... no sugar coating anything... there are a number of photographers and journalists who somehow know where you live... they are outside the property. When we pull up, the police are going to make room for us to get you into the driveway, but other than moving them back, there isn't a lot we can do. My advice... cover your stomach with your cardigan... when I open the door for you both... keep your heads down and walk quickly into the house. Don't react to anything."

My eyes as so wide they feel like they will bulge out of my skull while I nod in understanding. Daniel grips my knee tightly. I turn to see his jaw set into a firm line while he nibbles the inside of his lip. When he realises I'm looking at him, he also nods. "Got it." He says flatly, without any emotion at all.

"Here we go." Lawrence comments nervously.

We both lean forward to see the total chaos occurring our usually quiet suburban street. "Holy shit!" I grimace while I bite my nails.

The police have positioned their two vehicles so that the media have had to move back off our driveway and onto the road outside. They have left the sirens flashing while they step out of the vehicles and begin to make a pathway for Lawrence's car to fit through. There are at least twenty photographers and journalists pushing forward to get the best view as our car slowly creeps through the madness. Cameras again hit the windows as the flashes continue to blind us.

Daniel still holds my knee as my hand covers his. Our eyes meet and we smile tightly at each other, knowing our long journey is almost over and we will soon be safe.

"OK, ready?" Rhys pauses when Lawrence has got as close as he can to our house.

We both nod and Rhys jumps out of the car. Before I have chance to compose my thoughts, he opens the passenger door for me to get out.

Wrapping my cardigan around my stomach again, I step onto our driveway. I turn briefly while Daniel gets out behind me. He reaches for my hand and strides forward to get us into the house. The journalists shout and scream questions, but we ignore them all.

From nowhere one of the photographers rushes forward passed the police and reaches for my arm. He roughly pulls my arm away from my stomach as he repeatedly snaps away in the hope of taking a picture of my bump.

Wrenching my arm away with a surprised squeal, I protectively cover my stomach. Daniel suddenly lunges forward and rips the camera from the man's hand. He throws it onto the floor, smashing it. In a fury he then stamps on it until he can see the memory card within the broken parts. He swiftly picks it up. The journalist shrieks as he attempts to wrestle the memory card from Daniel's hand. I can see that Daniel's eyes have completely glazed over when he pushes the journalist back before punching him in the face. Blood oozes from his nose. "You touch my girlfriend again and I'll do more than break your fucking nose."

It feels like minutes have passed but it must only have been a few seconds. Rhys grabs both mine and Daniel's arm to rush us into the house. Once the door is closed behind us, Daniel leans back against the wall before he slowly sinks to the ground with his head in his hands. He then lets out a scream which sounds like a wounded animal.

I drop to my knees before him, wrapping my arms around him. "Did he hurt you?" He asks desperately, his eyes searching mine.

I shake my head even though I can already feel the bruise developing on my wrist. If I show him now, Daniel might go back out there and do something that we will both regret.

- hey guys!

Sorry for the delay in uploading this chapter, had a lot going on. I hope you enjoyed it.

So, things are a bit crazy for them both. I'm not sure how I'd handle it all!

What did you think of Daniel's reaction?

Thank you for still reading and please tick the little star. Love T x -

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