"Don't turn gay on me."

"Wouldn't dream of it. Now tell me what happened with Annabel?"

"I don't know man, she got a new job and she didn't even get interviewed. Her boss is like 24, and he gave her the job on the spot. She has a huge office, and a personal assistant. To me, it seems weird, like the dick is trying to give her the best possible treatment, to get Annabel to fall in love with him. I'm just scared she will."

"Harry, she won't. She loves you, and you should know that. Honestly, no matter how many mistakes you make, or how stupid you are, she'll always come back to you."

"I know, I know. But it isn't my fault if I think something's suspicious about the whole thing. She acts like it's completely normal." I argue.

"Harry, she's in denial. She doesn't want to admit that her boss supposedly likes her, because she doesn't want you to worry about it." Niall explains. "I'd just leave the problem alone. She isn't going to leave you, for some prick that owns a business. She loves you, and you need to realize that."

"Fuck, you're right." I say, running my fingers through my messy curls.
"Are you sobered up yet?" Niall raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, thanks mate. I appreciate this." I genuinely say, standing off the couch.
"Shit Styles, you sober up hella fast." Niall chuckles, and I rub the nape of my neck, and laugh and agree.

"Thanks, bro. I'll see you soon." I say, before exiting his house. To be honest, I didn't know what I should do now. I was indecisive on whether to go back to Annabel, or just call her. I wanted to give her space, but what if she didn't want space?

Women are weird.

I decide to head home. I walk all the way back to the bar, not wanting to bother Niall anymore, and pick up my car, and leave. Once I get home, I turn on my laptop, and continue doing what I did before meeting Annabel for a surprise lunch, that didn't turn out well at all.

The next time I checked the clock, it was 5:04. I decide to call her, seeing that she hasn't arrived home yet, and I don't want to take any chances. For all I know, she could be getting mobbed. At this thought, I hurry to dial her number, and the phone begins to ring.

~Annabel's POV~

I look at my lit up screen, and see a picture of Harry and I. I take my bottom lip between my teeth, and decide to slide the answer button.

"Hey," I answer.

"Annabel, are you okay?" He says.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Just wondering. I was afraid you were getting mobbed."

"What?" I say, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Never mind." He mumbles. "When are you getting home from work?"

"Soon, I'm just finishing up these last few pages of this book, and I'll be done for the day." I tell him.

"Okay, well do you want any dinner?"


"I think there's a frozen pizza in the freezer, want me to cook that up?" He asks, and I can tell he's making an effort to make it up to me.

"That'd be wonderful," I say, clamping my phone between my shoulder, and cheek.

"Okay. If you need anything, call me." He says.

"I will. Thanks, bab- Harry." I say, and I mentally curse at myself. I can sense his smirk through the phone, and I scold myself.

"Annabel, I love you so fucking much." He says, and his voice cracks the slightest bit.

Forever | h.s.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora