Ghetto girl + Hot Posh Dude + In The Same Bed = DISASTER! (Chp 14)

Start from the beginning

"Today's menu is looking spectacular!"

We arrived at the canteen, got our food, and now we was looking for a place to sit. I optioned for the table for two but Jude saw Brooke and decided that we should go and sit next to her. I didn't want to make it obvious that I hated that brat so I agreed to sit there.



"Hey Baby!" I greeted Jude as him and Zelda came to sit down. I noticed how jealous Zelda was when I said that. Well, to be honest I don't really give a bull, because karma is always a bitch!

"Hello sweetie how was last lesson?"

"It was fine, only that I cut my finger!" I showed my finger and made myself look as cute as possible

Jude took my finger and kissed it, then began to eat. Zelda had a huge scowl on her face. I smirked; I loved every second of it! The deeper the scowl, the larger the grin.

"Me and Jude did a art project together, it was so fun. It's a shame that you couldn't be there" she fake smiled at me and ruffled Jude's hair, as if he was a dog.

I gritted my teeth; she's trying to push me isn't it? Well she's gonna get a surprise if she doesn't watch out.

"And we also had our project hung up on the wall!" we lightly kissed Jude's cheek.

Kissing my boyfriends cheek is one thing, but the fact that she is an insane, jealous; manipulating bitch that will do anything from just a kiss to ruin our relationship is a bit concerning innit?

After Jude finished eating he plopped a mint into his mouth and ate it. Jude always has a mint after meals, he hates bad breath.

"Judee..." I purred, he turned towards me with a smile on his face.

"Yes, My Brooke?" he successfully flirted back in which I almost blushed

"I've got a little present for you..." I took the collar of his shirt and gently pulled him towards me, as soon as he reached with me nose to nose, I kissed him as passionately as I could. Ah Ha! Let's see if you could beat that Zelda.

Zelda looked like she was about to cry, and that's good for her, after all the pain she put me through.

I got up and Jude got up as well, but Zelda still hadn't finished eating because she was too busy staring at me.

"eeek!" before I knew it, Jude had lifted me in his arms, in front of everyone!

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking very apprehensive from the variety of stares I was receiving...

"Today, your going to be my girl!" he growled sexily and carried me all they way into the small dark janitors cupboard. Love making has never been this exciting!


Oh I just want to die! Every boy that I like this slut has to go and get them. She went out with Josh, flirted with Dean, was best friends with Jackson, and now is going out with Jude!

Jude never told me that they were going out? Why didn't he tell me before! Now he has just made me look like a fool in front of everyone!

I hid inside the toilets and began to cry, I don't want to be in this university no more! All though I have shared all the great memories with Courtney, who left after one month And Ashley, who is in her second year now.

Brooke always seems to win the battles, so what's the point in going to this university?


"Lord, I am so sorry for fornicating in the janitor's cupboard yesterday. Lord, what is it these days that make me sin against you? Forgive me for I am only human, and give my parents the understanding so that one day they will love Brooke. Amen."

Ghetto girl + Hot Posh Dude + In The Same Bed = DISASTER!Where stories live. Discover now