[Chapter 13: To Trust]

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Once we reached a stable altitude, I redirected my attention to our unwanted alien passenger. Rys had unbuckled her seat belt and removed her helmet. She was standing beside the large window pane, luminous sunlight reflecting off her iridescent skin.

"As much as you've seemed to help us, I can't just trust you," I said as I walked over to her.

She glanced towards me then back at the skyscape. "I know. You should be wary. You're bringing an enemy straight to your base. The daughter of the leader no less."

"You're not making this any easier," I muttered.

She sighed and placed her hand to her throat. Diamond-shaped crystals were embedded in her skin forming a permanent necklace. She pressed against the diamonds and closed her eyes. They flashed.

"Having no clue of what I can do, to prove you can trust me, is why I'm telling you, what I am and what you should fear," she spoke in her alien voice. It replaced the monotonous automated translator. It was thick with emotions, weariness, and guilt. I could understand her perfectly because of the Akashic.

"But I want to help you..." she said trailing off.

I had trust issues, since Axel had betrayed me once. He was very convincing. I glanced over at him busying himself with the controls. Neither Rys nor Axel would gain my trust with little effort. It was hard, knowing the only person I could believe in was myself, in this spacecraft.

"Why? Why do you want to help me?" I asked.

Rys sighed her palm gently pressed against the glass. "You are not aware of a lot of things, Laila. The universe is more connected than you think. Life is abundant in many parts of the cosmos. Intelligent lives have found one another. Humans in this current time have yet to discover their place with the others."

"It is in some nature of life, to strive for more than what we have. Many races have found it to be their responsibility to colonise lower life forms. Humans are one of their targets, have been since you began developing inner consciousness. We are aware of your potential, with the right nudges you would be on your way to join The Assembly. Your people have traveled through time. A remarkable achievement. If my race, the Yorlv, hadn't come in the way of that progress, it would have been only a matter of time before the Humans became a part of the Assembly."

"Um... What is this Assembly?" I interrupted to ask.

Rys paused her explanation and tapped on the band around her wrist. A hologram appeared, one similar to the projection from the device I stole. Spheres floating around a larger central globe.

"The Assembly is a gathering of intelligent life forms from across the cosmos. An initiative to unite intelligent life forms, look for others, guide their development, share knowledge. The balance of the Assembly however is being tipped."

"Because of the colonialism? Are all the races hunting to rule over others?" I asked. Trepidation revisited me, the idea of over one race waging war on us made me want to jump off the spacecraft.

"No, of course not! The development of conciousness is different for many races, hence varying virtues they uphold. Some races want to aid the development of other life forms. Believe me, before Yorlv, many others have tampered with humankind's history. Some with ill-intent others, saints. Some races are neutral and do not involve themselves with others. Then there are races like mine..."

"Cruel..." I murmured.

Rys grimaced, "Ambitious... But selfish."

I was already getting a headache. "So why, Rys? What's in it for you if you help me?"

She rolled her fingers around the hologram, it spun. "I have accomplices from various other planets. I've learnt their virtues. Thus, I shaped my own views on the universe. My father had nothing to do with my upbringing. I made a name for myself. He allowed me into his circle only when he realized my use. I am not letting him use me as a tool to obtain his goals," she clenched her slender fingers into a fist. Her eyes swam with anger and determination. Either she was a superb actor, or completely genuine because I felt her emotions.

"What did he need you for?" I questioned.

Rys looked me in the eye. Then held my hand. The next moment I was pulled into a dark expanse filled with blue strings of light. The Akashic.

"My ability to manipulate the consciousness. The Akashic. My knowledge in this field is a mixture of methods from hundreds of races," she smiled slightly, "Humans too..."

I glanced at our joined hands," Are you a Supreme Wielder as well?"

She shook her head, "No. Your powers, Laila, are far greater. Hence why my father found you to be an interesting specimen. However, your techniques need enhancement. You have little control over your vast reservoir of abilities," she said.

She suddenly looked at something behind me. "Who is he?"

I turned to find the boy from my dreams standing there watching us. "You can see him? Of course you can. We are in the Akashic," I answered my own question.

He moved to stand beside me and nodded his head in Rys' direction, "Greetings."

"How long has he been here?" Rys asked, shocked someone had been eavesdropping the entire time.

"He's been kinda guiding me to escape since Atlantis. I don't really know who he is either," I said shrugging.

Rys eyed him skeptically. A short, staring contest ensued before Rys turned towards me. "We can trust him?"

I scoffed, "Trust him? I can barely trust both you and Axel. In fact, I think I trust this dude more," I stated.

"Really? I'm touched!" He exaggerated.

"You don't even know his name," Rys said, shaking her head.

She was right. I knew him much less than I knew the alien princess. I turned to him.

"Well, tell me your name," I ordered.

"Don't deflect!" Rys added.

The boy looked at us, knowing we cornered him. Then surrendered at last.

"You can call me Kai," he announced with a shrug.

"That's not your real name," Rys fired back.

"But it's what you will call me. Now out of the Akashic," he said snapping his fingers, and we were back in the spacecraft.

Rys with narrowed eyes, turned her back on us and walked out of the cockpit. I turned to Kai.

"Can you help me monitor her? I don't exactly trust her," I asked him.

"Yeah sure," he shrugged and floated down from the cockpit like a ghost. I stared at his retreating figure.

Kai? This mysterious individual, powerful and helpful. It almost felt too good to be true. Maybe it was. Who the hell are you and where on earth did you come from? 

Despite my questions, somewhere deep within me, he felt familiar.

A/N: o.o new character o.o
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