[Chapter 4: Allies]

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I had lost track of time.

My concious moments were not long, and when I was aware, I would be experiencing insane experimenting and torture. My mind had gone numb. Occasionally, when they had prodded too much, I would suddenly unleash hidden power, before fainting once again. Then the cycle would repeat.

I rememebered awakening in a deep tank filled with green fluid, struggling to breathe. I had honestly no idea as to what they would achieve by drowning me. I struggled till my last breath before they pulled me out.

Now I was awake, and confined within a transparent cube. I was in a crisp white latex bodysuit, I had no scars or wounds on my body, but I was thinner, tired and perpetually horrified. It was the worst of my nightmares come to life. I cried till I could not cry anymore.

I heard the sound of the door, to the room the cube was placed in, open. Rys entered the room, it had been forever since our first meeting.

"How many days has it been?" I asked, my voice sounded hoarse. Rys ran her hand along the edge of the glass cube.

"Eight since we met, fourteen since you landed in Atlantis," she replied.

Fourteen days... It had two full weeks of pure misery. And not a single step closer to stopping the aliens. 

"How much longer?" I whispered.

Rys paused, a slightly thoughtful expression crossed her face. Her impassive demeanour made it hard to read her.

"A couple of weeks, hopefully," she replied.

"They have shifted their experiments from physical stimulants to mental," she continued, before she suddenly glanced at her wrist device.

"They are here," she muttered to herself, and the door grinded open.

Two figures entered. The first I knew was one of the leaders who greeted me the first time I awoke in captivity. The second was unknown, but he too wore the armour and accesories of a leader.

"Rys, what have you learnt from your little chat with our specimen?" said the leader I was familiar with.

Rys glanced at me before speaking," The human is more powerful than we expected, although now that I've spoken to her, she seems weaker than I'd thought," her tone was cold and disinterested.

"Interesting, and why do you say so?" He asked.

"She lacks the will to survive. Her mind is close to broken, and we have only carried out a fourth of the experiments. She would go insane before we're done," Rys said. I did not know whether to feel offended, but I believed she was just putting up a front to make her leaders believe she was not on my side.

The leader's thin lips stretched into a smile,"Well then, my child, what do you suggest we do next?"

Child? Well that took a shocking turn.

Rys looked taken aback by her father's suggestion,"I...," she glanced at me, and I could feel the gears turning in her head. This was our chance, but I knew breaking me out at the moment was not a good option. She knew that as well. Her choice as of now, would simply reduce the burden on me. That was more than enough.

"I have an idea. Allow me to explain, without her listening of course," she said.

"Very well, Rys. Follow me," he said, and turned on his heel, the other leader tailing behind him.

"Yes, father," she replied with a nod. Unexpectedly she turned slightly towards me and gave me a quick wink, before following her father.

I could only pray hard that whatever Rys had in mind, it would be of help.


I was cuffed and brought to the underground tunnel systems. The guards led me to one of the cells. They keyed in a series of passcodes then turned the large latch. The grinding metal made me wince. Without a second to spare, they pulled the door open, threw me inside and shut it.

The room was dimly lit. It was the same as the containment room I woke up in. Only this one had another occupant.

"Axel!" I stumbled towards him. The cuffs on my ankles not helping.

Axel was at the edge of the room, his hands were cuffed and chained to the walls. At the very least he was not hanging from the walls, like I was. He too was dressed in the white bodysuit I was in. He looked more distraught than ever.

At the sight of me, I could see his hollow green eyes light up. Without thinking twice, I wrapped my arms around him, and we enjoyed the moment of silence in our embrace.

"You're okay, thank goodness," Axel muttered, his voice muffled as he pressed his lips to my head.

"You too," I said, squeezing him tightly.

My heart felt so much lighter knowing Axel was here, and alive. The gravity of the situation did not matter at the moment, all that mattered was that the both of us were alive and reunited.

After finally calming down, I huddled close to Axel as we filled eachother in on all that had happened. Explaining to Axel about experimenting was horrifying. Axel grew more devastated as I went on, but the both of us knew there was nothing we could do about it.

I then informed him about Rys and how she could potentially help us.

"Rys? She is the daughter of Oprius, isn't she?" Axel asked.

"Oprius...?" I questioned. It was then that I remembered Axel knew these aliens better than I did. He was one of their tools, and had served them for who knows how long. He too had been an important specimen to them.

"Oprius, is sort of the leader of the extraterrestrial unit on Earth. He ,along with two other generals, oversee all the operations on Earth. His bloodline has been doing so for a long time. These aliens have a strong monarchy system going on. And you are telling me Rys, his heir, is helping you?" Axel explained.

"I'm not sure, but it seems so. I don't really know her motives, but I could always hope..." I replied. I was so desperate, I clung to any form of help I could find.

Axel shook his head and sighed,"Whether or not she helps you... We will try our best to get out of here ourselves as well. Let's leave her as our last resort," Axel said. Clearly, despite all the time he has spent with these aliens, he still did not trust them an ounce.

"But Rys said we should wait, till the AHM333 is back on, assuming everyone else would be rather occupied to keep an eye on us," I said.

"Conveniently when the AHM333 is active?" Axel retorted. He had a point. It would be too late to stop the progress of building the activator in the first place.

I sighed in frustration. I really had a habit of trusting people too easily.

"Listen, Laila," Axel said bringing me closer to him and lifting my chin. "I can navigate myself amongst the aliens better. I will get you out of here, I promise," he said, determined. I nodded weakly.

Axel leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, sealing that promise.

I was relying on Axel, relying on Rys, to get me out of here. When was I going to take matters into my own hands?

A/N: Sorry for the late update! If you enjoyed this chapter leave a vote and a comment!

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