[Chapter 12: Mothership]

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If Axel was not on my side, he did not show it. He removed a bunch of weapons from a storage box in the room and handed me some. Once geared up, we fled down the hallway towards the second exit, since I blocked the first. Just as we did, the guards burst through my makeshift barrier and charged towards us. We rushed out the exit and blasted the two guards stationed at the door.

Out in the open, we ran into an HV and zipped off. Axel maneuvered the vehicle to dodge the blasts.

"Any ideas on how we're planning to escape?" Axel muttered. It was now clear that he was not the biggest fan on my rash escape plan.

"Hey! I was not planning to wait around till the AHM333 gets reactivated to escape!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, but we could have had a more subliminal and safer escape if you just waited a little longer. Arranged some sort of transportation and not have half the guards come after us!" he retorted.

"Oh really? And how do you think I felt, not knowing if any of you guys here were even planning to help me escape?!" I snapped back.

"Okay guys... No fighting, why don't we focus on the matter at hand." I almost forgot that there was another person in the vehicle. Even though he was not really here.

"We're not fighting!"

"Who are you talking to?!"

I screamed in frustration. "Okay, okay. Laila, I don't want to fight with you right now. Let's figure a way out first," he said, trying to diminish the argument.

As we zipped across the city, my eyes caught on something. The large cigar shaped craft at the edge of the island. Axel followed my gaze.

"You're not planning-"

"Yes. Yes I am," I responded.

"Guess it's time to return the mother ship to the Atlanteans."

We flew straight into the thicket of trees, throwing our pursuers off. From there, we were on foot. Cautiously we hiked all the way to the mother ship. I recalled what General A-Roz had explained to me about the craft. It was designed to generate the force field around Atlantis, protecting it from the aliens. However, it was still notably a spacecraft capable of lifting off. In fact, when the final battle takes place, the mother ship was supposed to lead the fleet of Atlanteans and protect them at the same time.

I saw no purpose of the mother ship to be lying around in the city overtaken by aliens. It was coming with me. It was the only craft that I had access to that could get me off the island and across the ocean.

We snuck up on the craft, climbing onto the launch pad. It was huge, almost as big as the city's skyscrapers. I readied my weapon, which Axel had taught me how to use, and got into action. We knocked down guards left and right and rushed into the craft sealing the door. Axel unsurprisingly knew how to work the controls of the door.

"You snuck in here once and deactivated the barrier, didn't you?" I asked. He looked away with guilt.

"At least I know how to work this thing," he muttered.

We had a not so fun time getting rid of all the guards stationed within the craft, rounding them up and throwing them off the vehicle. Once done, we were in the cockpit. It was time to fly. Axel got busy with the control panel, I hoped he knew how to fly this thing.

Meanwhile, loud thumping sounds were coming from the entrance. We had to move before they got in. I heard Axel curse.

"It's locked! They placed a security lock on the ship. Only a general can unlock it," he said.

"Guys, someone's coming in," Mr. Dream Boy floated up to the cockpit from below.

He was right. The door slid open and then slammed shut just as quick, followed by the vigorous thumping from the outside. Only one person entered and shut everyone out just as quick. Running from the lower deck, she arrived at the cockpit.

"I can unlock it!" Said the alien princess.

"Rys!?" I exclaimed.

She was out of breath, a weapon in her hand. She did not wait for our permission and placed her palm on the control panel.

Security lock deactivated.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you. What does it look like I'm doing?" Rys frantically glanced at the entrance. Severe dents were already starting to form on the metal door. Any longer it would break.

"Axel. Get this thing in the air. Now!" Rys ordered. Axel gave me a look that said, 'Do as she says?'. But then we heard a crack.

Axel wasted no time to ignite the engines. A loud rumbling shook the craft. I fell into the seat and buckled myself in. It forced Rys to do the same.

"Wait! You're not possibly coming along?" I asked dumfounded.

"Do I have a choice!" She yelled over the rumbling, her voice translator crackled, her robotic automated voice broke.

I felt the pressure drop, the G-force doing a number on my gut. I saw a helmet under the seat and snapped it on my head. Thankfully, this was Atlantean equipment. I switched the on the equalizer, the pressure in my ears normalized. Rys swiped her fingers over her crystalline headpiece and a translucent helmet materialized around her head.

"Hold on, guys," Axel yelled as he brought the ship up to speed.

I shut my eyes as we hurtled ourselves into the clouds. A boom resounded followed by a shock of current. Then it was over.

My vision was filled with blue. Clouds drifted like a sea of glaciers below. The alarm signs indicating enemy ships nearby disrupted the beautiful moment.

"How are we going to lose them!?" I asked. Axel was frantically swiping and tapping on the control panel. I heard shots get fired from behind us.

"Got it!" Axel announced.

I heard thousands of clicking sounds all over the ship. The domed glass before me shifted in the light for a moment. Strangely enough, the ships stopped firing. In time they were out of our radar.

"We're invisible," Rys said, astonished.

Axel nodded, still focused on the controls as he maneuvered the craft. "Don't underestimate Atlantean technology."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and walked over to Axel. The boy from my dreams came up beside me.

"Where to now?" Axel asked.

I turned to the boy. He gave me a smile.

"Allow me to lead you to the Atlanteans."

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