[Chapter 5: Dream Friend]

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Time seemed to pass way too fast with Axel, we barely had enough time to fill each other in on all that had happened. He informed me about the suffering he had been put through as well. His involved more interrogation. They tried to get as much information as they could regarding me and Atlantis. Axel said, he of course, did not obey.

However I knew the punishments that came after were bad. As much as he visibly tried to hide it, he was shaken and there were scars on his body.

We both had been through a lot.

The only thing that worried me was what they might try to do to take control of Axel once again. Without him by my side, my chances of escaping were even slimmer.

I relied on him way too much. Rys too. No matter how much power I held the extraterrestrials always had the upper hand. Without internal connections, I was basically useless, hence my reliance on Rys and Axel, who both had involvements with the aliens.

It frustrated me that there was nothing I could do.

When the guards reentered the room, they almost had to pry me off Axel. I did not want to go. He was my only companion in this torture chamber. Alas, I was powerless against their chains.

Getting dragged out of the cell, I glanced at Axel one last time, both of us bearing looks of determination. We will get out of here.

They did not knock me out unconcious, this time. So I was awake, as I was brought up to the dome, the night sky spread above my head like a star speckled canvas. The ruined city of Atlantis was reflecting the night sky. I remembered when the buildings were standing tall at night, their black reflective glass panes would reflect the starry skies in the most beautiful way, looking as if they were painted with stars.

I lived in Atlantis for several months. It had sort of become a home away from home. The Atlanteans has turned into a somewhat family, hence to see the city in ruins, felt painful. The island of hope, had turned to disaster.

We made our way to the SOM5 tower. It was where they were carrying out their experiments on me. It was one of the buildings that was still standing tall and proud, and held the same purpose as always. Even back then, the tower's sole purpose was to experiment on me. There was torture involved, but in time I understood that what I had been going through was but a speck compared to the horrors the Atlanteans had. They wanted to save their home, hence had been pushed to desperation. General A-Roz, however always had his humanity within him. The desperation had not erased it completely. He was the father figure of Atlantis, who guided Atlanteans to the light, preventing them from losing themselves.

I remembered when he had to break the news that I was probably not going to survive the AHM333 deactivation. It was hard for him, as much it was hard for me. One of us had to toughen up. I chose to, accepting my death. Which never came eventually.

Dr. V-Ron on the other hand, was the polar opposite of General A-Roz. Unlike the compassionate leader, Dr. V-Ron was made of ice. He seemed like he lost his humanity long ago. He was a machine with a single purpose. No mercy. No love. General A-Roz however, has a special spot for V-Ron in his heart. Dr. V-Ron only took orders from the general. No one else. He regarded him with respect and was probably the only person the doctor cared about, with whatever left of a heart he had.

I had looked into the general's past once, through a mind traning session. Dr. V-Ron was there, and I felt the emotions General A-Roz had for him. He treated him like a son. Dr. V-Ron bore more importance than what met the eyes. I knew he treated the general like a father too. I believed that as long as Dr. V-Ron was there, General A-Roz would be safe.

Reminiscing about them, had brought upon longing. My family, Lin, Uncle Elias, it had been so long since I last saw them. Did they miss me too? Whilst I got tortured day and night, what were they doing? Were they thinking of me? Were they praying for my safety? Or were they simply put under a spell of obliviousness?

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