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Here is something they don't tell you:

Icarus laughed as he fell.

Palms outstretched,

He threw his head back

To gaze upon the heavens

And screamed and laughed,

Teeth bared to the world

Just watching him die.

Well if they will only watch

Might as well put on a show.

And isn't plummeting

Through the air so similar

To soaring through the sky.

The clouds speak the same,

The air feels the same,

The wind sings the same

Unrecognisable, melancholy song.

The fall of Icarus?

We say he fell because

People are scared

Of those who laugh while falling.

People can't comprehend

Hearing screams when you're alone,

They refute the unknown:

Seeing the earth as red

The earth drenched in her children's blood.

We push away the unimaginable

And push away "unimaginable" realities.

They don't tell you

How Icarus laughed

So that the whole world heard.

They don't tell you

How the sun recoiled her hand

When he flew too close to her

Because he was burning brighter.

And did she let him fall

To avoid competition?

Or did she want someone

Who could relate

To feeling like you're on fire?

Did he pull away

When she reached out to save him?

Was the thrill of the wind

Rushing past him too tempting?

Or did he reach for her hand

Only to fall too soon?

And did he laugh at how

He came so close,

Burnt so bright,

But destroyed himself: Collapsed

Like a supernova.

No not a supernova,

He was a fallen star.

As he soared,

Did he think of Daedalus?

Did he have a brief moment of regret?

Did it cause an explosion

Within his soul?

Was the only way to get rid of the debris

To bare his teeth at his father,

The heavens and the earth and below

And laugh?

They don't tell you any of this

Like how they don't tell you

The extent of Achilles' misery,

How his cries shook the earth

And petrified the sky and heavens

When Patroclus died.

They say how he fought rivers and Gods

But they blame and credit his rage.

In truth, his reality was shaken,

His world was destroyed

When Patroclus died

So he destroyed Hector,

He destroyed our world.

Love almost caused

The earth's demise

So they don't tell you that

Because they're afraid of love.

Icarus' burning, melted wax

Left trails of fire down his arms,

His thighs, his chest and thoughts.

Feathers flew through the air

And perhaps his life flashed before his eyes

But the feathers obstructed his vision

And the pain, regret and guilt were blinding.

Wax kissed his shoulders

And death embraced him from behind.

They danced and parted

And he laughed at how

Good things fall apart.

Madness, a friend, joined him shortly after.

We could blame her for his laughter

As he burned and fell

But madness didn't laugh at all,

Just danced with his flames

To the music of his laughter.

They don't tell you this.

They don't tell how he laughed

Because they don't want anyone else

To discover that there is a strange beauty

Of setting the world alight

And watching from the centre of the flames.

A.N. Wow that was a long hiatus. I'm back tho and if you don't think Patroclus and Achilles were in love you can be wrong elsewhere

Shitty Poemsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें