The world doesn't end / It just seems like it does

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Because the world doesn't end

It just seems like it does.

Rise up with the Sun

Bathe in its light.

Fly with all the birds

Find beauty in our world from above.

Grow with the flowers

Nurture your love for the flowers.

Dance like no one can see,

Sing like no one can hear,

Live like it's your last day.

Allow yourself to love again

And love like you've never been hurt.

We're here for a good time 

Not a long time.

So don't waste it

On twisting in knots 

To follow the status quo and please everyone

Or seeking validation from those who don't really care

You are loved.

You are valued.

And when you stumble through your darkest hour

Rise up above the clouds of your sorrow

To see the birds and rainbows

Greet the Sun

And remember

The world doesn't end

It just seems like it does.

A.N. This could be a part 2 for HOW? I guess. Also, the song is from Mean Girls the Musical. Barrett Wilbert Weed is a queen.

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