People and Places

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Sometimes we dream up places

Thinking the moon is bigger there.

We paint a picture of them in our heads.

In those pictures, there is no landscape

And no named streets or monuments,

Because those paintings aren't materialised via facts

But feelings. And somehow,

Those images turn out brighter than the real world

Yet still blurrier and more out of focus.

We can live a lifetime without going there

But knowing that it is where we want to be,

And wanting more than anything to go.

Sometimes we dream up people

Thinking they are our soulmates.

We hear their voices in our minds.

Those voices seemingly have no origins

They take different shapes and forms

Because those voices too, are materialised

With feelings. And somehow,

Those faceless voices are more comforting

And unsettling than those we hear everyday.

We can live a lifetime without meeting their owners

But knowing that they are the ones,

And wanting nothing more than to meet them.

But people and places can change.

And the only way to know if they have

Is to see them.

But it's easier to live in a comforting lie

Than to have your hopes and dreams shattered

By the truth.

It's easier to have stars in your eyes

And imagine their brightness from a place you want to know

Than to see their lights have dimmed

When you finally visit the one place that grounded you.

It's easier to imagine someone and still be lonely

Than to meet someone and have them break your heart.

Although life is easier and less harmful lived the easy way

The daring souls who seek more

Are rewarded with knowledge

"Curiosity killed the cat

But satisfaction brought it back"

They're rewarded with knowledge

And a feeling of being lost.

What do you do when you've seen the faded lights

Of the one light in your life?

Simple, you pick another light; another star

And let it's light guide you

Although the light you see from that star is bright still

That star was dead centuries ago.

Still, no one wants to be lost

So maybe this light will be the one?

Maybe this person will stay?

Maybe this place hasn't been whitewashed

By reckless humanity.

How long can you go with living a lie?

How many times can you have your hopes and dreams shattered?

Is life just an endurance test of how many heartbreaks you can endure?

Well, at least [place] exists and at least [person] cares for you, right?

Even though you've never been there

And [person] doesn't know you exist.

How desperate are we?

Grabbing onto whatever light we can see

And hoping against hope that this one will stay bright

A.N. If u don't loike newsies u won't understand the context of the videos (watch the one belowww plz)

ohOhOo tHe MoON iS biGGeR IN SanTa fE 

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