Those Songs

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I love those songs
That sound like
A shared smile
Under the moonlight
Seen through a breath
Of cigarette smoke
That lingers long enough
To politely bid you adieu
Then is carried away
By the gentle breeze.

I love those songs that mmmm
That's one mike
Faded nylon strings
Carrying the wishes
Of a lost soul
And bleeding into the open air
To greet the stars
And night time clouds.

I love those songs
That sound like
A paintbrush depicting
Beautiful dampened colours
That tell a tale
Of classic literature
Read by candlelight
But only tells it
Secretively to the artist.

I love those songs
That sound like
A trip to a museum
In the middle of the night
But in a lucid dream
Where nothing goes wrong
Unless you make it
Because you think
That framed wonders
Need a little more bold colours.

I love those songs
That sound like
The sweet whisper of a love
That causes the sun
To come out from behind the clouds
And flowers to bloom
So that they claim your attention
And lull you
Into a blurry purple daze.

I love those songs
That sound like
A pause in time
Where the vicious winds of change
Forget to blow you off track
So that you feel safe and warm
For a moment
Until the sound
Leaves your ears.

I love those songs
That sound like
A beautiful illusion
That I never want to wake up from.

I love those songs
That sound like
Everything will be alright.

A.N. When I was typing this up, my phone autocorrected 'that' to 'gay' for some reason XD
I Will Follow You Into The Dark is one of    those songs.

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