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      A few days passed, seeming to be uneventful. That is if it weren't for the overwhelming sense of dread that Virgil had been feeling ever since their interaction with his brother. Everything just seemed to be...off. Even Remus wasn't acting like himself. 

      Virgil was antsy, not liking how he was feeling. No one was able to calm him down or ease his worry. He knew that something was wrong, but he wasn't sure what it was. He assumed that it had something to do with Depression, though.

      And not to mention the warning that his brother had told him. It worried him, and he was trying desperately to think about what he had meant. He wanted to check in on the other sides but was afraid of what they would say. 

      Virgil and Deceit were sitting on the couch, talking softly so that Remus wouldn't be able to hear.

      "I'm not worried about Remus," Deceit said softly, wringing his hands almost nervously. For someone who was known as Deceit, he wasn't a very good liar at times. "He's not acting weird. I don't hope he didn't believe what Res said..." 

      Virgil took a deep breath, reaching out and placing a hand on Deceit's shoulder. "Res was--is very convincing. I know he has told me some awful things...and he's been going after Patton, too."

      Deceit looked alarmed as he heard this. "What do you mean? Why would he go after Patton if it's you that he--oh God..." He visibly paled. "He didn't have something against him. He doesn't hate him..."

      Virgil looked down, drawing his knees to his chest. His sleeves were pulled over his hands, something he did when he was feeling anxious. "Yeah, I know. I just don't understand why he's taking it out on him know...wouldn't he go after him before I locked him away?"

      Deceit took a deep breath, and Virgil recognized that he was going to speak the truth this time. "No," he responded, his voice strained. "You were his stability, his strength. You were what kept him from lashing out in the beginning. But you two...you're not the same. You see, unlike you, Res isn't--" He was cut off by a loud thud in Remus's room. 

      In an instant, Deceit shot up and rushed to his room, mumbling curses under his breath. Virgil followed behind him, his anxiousness growing by the minute. Deceit opened the door, and gasped at what he saw.

      Virgil peered in behind him, wondering what had happened. Remus's room was absolutely trashed. It was dark, and trash among other things was strewn about as if a tornado had gone through the room. 

      At first, Virgil didn't see Remus. Then, he caught sight of him on the floor beside his bed, curled up in a ball with his eyes shut tightly and his hands pressed against his ears. He was mumbling under his breath, his words incoherent.

      Deceit rushed over and knelt beside him, before he reached out and rubbed his back. Remus flinched away from his touch at first, but soon relaxed. His mumbling ceased, though he didn't move from his position on the floor. He was trembling a little. 

      "What happened," Deceit asked, his voice soft. Virgil had never heard him speak to anyone other than himself--when he has a panic attack, that is. Otherwise, he wasn't the type of person to be soothing. 

      Remus shook his head slightly, biting his lip. Deceit repeated his question, and Remus whimpered softly. 

      "Something is wrong," he whispered. "Something is going on--I can feel it..." 

      Deceit looked confused as he heard this, and he looked back towards Virgil as if asking if he knew what Remus was talking about.

      Virgil hesitated for a moment, shoving his hands into his pockets to steady a small tremble that had started. "I have been getting a weird feeling," he admitted, "But I just assumed that I was being paranoid." 

      Deceit hissed a curse under his breath, and began to run his fingers soothingly through Remus's hair. Virgil was surprised by how worried the lying side was about Remus. If it was in any other instant, it would've been cute.

      "He's hurt..." Remus's voice was no more than a whisper. "I've always been able to tell when something happened to him, but it's never been this bad..." He seemed to be shaken by something. His words didn't make much sense to the other two sides, who tried desperately to understand what he meant. 

      "Who's hurt," Virgil asked, making his way to Remus's side. He knelt down beside him, but refrained but touching him as he worried that he wouldn't appreciate his touch. He quickly forgot about this as Remus reached out and grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. 

      "Roman." Virgil just stared at him numbly, not believing him at first. Then, his words seemed to sink in, and Virgil felt his heart plummet. 

      "How do you know?" Virgil's voice rose a little. He was clinging to the belief that Roman was okay. He had to be! He was the prince...he was the hero! He couldn't be hurt. 

      Remus opened his mouth to answer, but Deceit cut him off. "Remus and Roman didn't use to be one person," he responded. "Romulus. But Patton didn't hate the darker side of creativity and didn't split them apart. I'm not assuming that they're still connected, at least partially." 

      It seemed like Patton was against a lot of things. Maybe they were all bad guys because of how he viewed them. Was that really fair to them? Virgil shook his head, clearing his thoughts. 

      "You're right, Dee," Remus responded weakly. He took a deep breath and pushed himself into a sitting position, placing a hand on his thigh with a small wince. "I've always been able to feel his emotions and pain."

      "What is he--" Virgil cut himself off when he heard knocking. He hesitated, before deciding that Deceit should stay with Remus. "I'll get it."

      Remus let go of his hand, and he stood. He made his way out of the room, wondering who was at the door. No one else knew where the dark sides stayed, or so he thought. He had no idea who it could be. 

      Virgil opened the door and stifled a small gasp, the last person he would've expected to show up standing there. 


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