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I just realized that I haven't written an author's note for this. Anyways, thank you all so much for reading this! I'm sorry for not updating in a few days. I haven't had access to my computer. Please feel free to point out mistakes or criticize my writing! I usually write from 11:30-1:30ish, so I know that it can't be completely flawless. Also, should I keep the chapters focused on following Virgil, or should I switch to the other sides sometimes? Anyways, thanks again, now onto the chapter!

      Virgil felt slightly awkward as he sat on the couch between Roman and Patton, who were currently arguing over who was going to pick the movie. The noise was getting to be too much for him. The fight was just causing him to become more and more anxious, and he wished that he had his headphones, which he left in his bedroom. 

      Finally, the two settled on doing rock-paper-scissors to decide who was going to choose the movie. Roman ended up winning and smiled broadly as he got up, searching through their movies. Virgil sighed softly, assuming that he was going to choose a Disney movie.

      Finally, Roman found the movie that he wanted, and put it into the DVD player. He settled down next to Virgil, much closer than he was before. Their knees were nearly touching. Virgil tried to make himself smaller, not wanting any contact to happen.

      Not that he had anything against Princey at the moment; he just wasn't really comfortable with contact. 

      That hug earlier was kind of nice, though. And Roman holding his hand, not that he would ever admit it.

      The movie started up, and Virgil spaced out as the adds before the movie played. He blinked once they were over, genuinely surprised to see what movie Roman had chosen for them to watch.

      It was his favorite movie, the Black Cauldron.

      He turned towards Roman and asked, "You really remembered that this was my favorite?" He was unable to hide the shock that he felt, which made Roman's smile larger.

      "Of course I remembered! It's not like it's hard to remember things, you know."

      Virgil just shrugged, looking away. He took a deep breath, trying to stop the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Anyways...thanks."

      "No problem."

      "Aww, my two kiddos are getting along!" Hearing this, Virgil couldn't help but smile. 

      Sometime during the movie, Virgil started getting a bad feeling, as if something was wrong. He couldn't figure out what it was, but it still unnerved him. Maybe he was forgetting something? But what would he be forgetting?

      Virgil shifted slightly, trying to think about what could be causing this feeling. He started feeling some anxiety, no longer able to focus on the movie. 

      Maybe something was wrong with Thomas. Maybe Thomas was worrying about something, which was causing him to worry.

      But that couldn't be right. There was nothing to worry about at the moment.

      Or was there?

      He didn't know anymore, and it was driving him crazy.

      Finally, it got to the point to where he could no longer sit there and worry. He had to check around, to make sure tha everything was fine.

      Virgil got to his feet, ignoring the protests of the other sides. "I need to go," was the only explanation he offered to them as he rushed off.

     He could hear the movie pause behind him, along with the worried murmuring of Patton to Logan, who he was now leaning against. Virgil paid no attention to them, needing to find what was wrong.

      He searched the mind palace for anything that could be out of place or different. It wouldn't normally cause the uneasiness he felt, but it would be a clue as to what was really bothering him. 

      Virgil nearly leaped out of his skin as someone grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie, and he whirled around only to see a concerned Roman standing there. 

      "Woah woah woah, someone is awfully jumpy! What, were you expecting to see a dragon-witch or something?" 

      "Something like that." Virgil's eyes darted around, taking in their surroundings. "Hey Princey, do you feel like something is wrong?"

      Roman furrowed his eyebrows, and shook his head no. "No, I don't. You're probably just being para--overly worried. It's probably nothing. Come on, let's go finish the movie, okay? Everything is fine."

      Virgil tugged his sleeve away from Roman, shaking his head. "Seriously, something is wrong! I don't know what it is, but there's something that's not right." His voice grew slightly as he spoke, his anxiety growing worse.

      "Okay," Roman said softly, still looking as if he didn't believe Virgil. "I'll help you look, alright? What are we even looking for?"

      "You don't need to help me," Virgil told him.

      "Of course I do!" Roman gasped, putting a hand on his chest as if he was offended. "I'm a prince, and that's what princes do; they help people. So, I'll help you look for whatever is bothering you."

      Virgil rolled his eyes as a smile smile formed on his face. Roman was so extra at times. He kind of found it cute.

     Wait, hold on a moment. Did he just really think that about Roman? Virgil felt his cheeks heat up a little.

      "Fine, you can help. Like I said, I have no idea what it is. Try looking for anything that seems out of place or wrong."

      "Got it." Roman nodded. "I shall find whatever is bothering you, even if it's the last thing I do!" He rushed off, a dopey grin on his face.

      Virgil gave a soft sigh, and continued searching, hoping that his bad feeling was just nothing more than his usual worry.

      It wasn't.

      As soon as Virgil walked into his room, his anxiety heightened. He shoved his hands in his pocket to keep them from trembling, but took them out when he saw what was on his bed.

      There was a single piece of folded paper, and on that paper was his name.

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