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      Virgil took a step back, feeling a small flash of anxiousness as he saw Deceit standing at the door. He felt a little better knowing that it was him, and not Remus. He didn't know what he would do if Remus had been the one to answer the door. 

      "Hey, Deceit..." Virgil looked down for a moment. "I--I have nowhere else to go." He hated how hopeless he sounded. "Could I crash here?'

      Deceit was silent for a moment, eyeing Virgil up and down with a strange expression on his face. Virgil grew nervous, not knowing how he was going to respond. He hoped that he would allow him to stay. 

      Finally, the snake-faced side nodded his head and moved out of the way to allow Virgil to enter. "Of course you can't. You were never welcome back."

      Virgil breathed a small sigh of relief and made his way into the run-down house, giving Deceit a weak smile. "Thanks, Dee. I owe you." 

      "Not anytime." Once Virgil was in the house, Deceit closed the door behind him. "You can't stay in your old room. It's not exactly how you left it." 

      Virgil nodded, feeling a little awkward. He began to walk towards his old room, which was basically the same as the one at the other mind palace. He couldn't believe that Deceit had let him back in without question. He didn't understand it. He had abandoned them and had grew to hate them. Deceit obviously knew this. So why did he let him stay?

      Virgil got to his room and entered it, feeling nostalgia as he looked around, taking everything in. It was as he remembered, not a thing out of place. He set what few things he had carried down onto his bed, poking around for a moment. He did notice that a sweatshirt or two was missing from his closet, but dismissed this as him leaving it somewhere before he had left. Other than that, everything was perfect. 

      "Virgey, you're back! I can't believe that you actually came back to us!" Virgil stumbled as someone threw their arms around him in a huge hug from behind. He instantly recognized the reek of Remus. "I missed you so much! It's been so boring without you." 

      Virgil wiggled out of Remus's grip and backed up a few feet, turning towards him. "Oh...hey Remus. Why are you so happy to see me? I was horrible to you and Dee..."

      Remus just shrugged. "So? You were just being yourself. You're always like that. I find it adorable! It makes me want to just eat you up! Or eat your--"

      "Nope," Virgil said quickly. "That's enough of that; I don't want to hear it."

      "Pssh, I don't believe that! You gotta admit, you find that kind of talk hot."

      Virgil rolled his eyes. "Never in my life have I felt that way. Deceit may enjoy it, but definitely not me. And especially if it's coming from you."

      "Aww...you're as prude as always." Remus reached out and ruffled his hair affectionately. Virgil hissed a little a pushed his hand away. 

      "Don't touch my hair." Remus reached for his head again, and Virgil backed away from him. 

      "Remus...leave him alone." Both males turned towards the door as they heard Deceit's strained voice. "He needs some time to get used to us again." 

      "Whatever you say, Dee..." Remus moved away from Virgil, seeming to have decided to give Deceit his affection instead. He wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close, causing a faint blush to form on Deceit's face. 

      "Anyways, Virgil, why are you here?"

      Virgil looked down for a moment, taking a deep breath and wondering what he should say. Before he knew it, he was confessing everything to Deceit. It was as if a dam had been opened. As soon as he started to speak, the words just flooded out of his mouth, including his troubles with Depression and what he had learned about Patton. 

      By the time he had finished his story, Remus and Deceit were on either side of him. Remus had his hand, and Deceit was gently rubbing his back, knowing Virgil well enough to realize that he was growing more and more anxious as he spoke. 

      "Don't worry, Virge, we'll protect you!" Remus gave him a large grin. Virgil couldn't help but smile back. He momentarily forgot about how he was afraid of Remus. 

      Deceit nodded in agreement. "Now that you're n--here, I'll make sure that Depression won't be able to bother you anymore."

     Virgil had to admit, hearing this coming from them made him feel a little better. He hesitated for a moment before pulling the two into a hug. "Thanks guys, but I really don't deserve this. I've been nothing but horrible to you ever since I left."

      "That's true," Deceit admitted, "but you're one of us. We'll always be here for you."

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