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Hey guys, sorry about not updating! I literally had no motivation. I regret to inform you guys that this will be ending soon. Also, TW for Depression

       Oddly enough, Virgil felt safer here with the dark sides than he ever did with the others. He could be more open with them, and it helped that he didn't have to explain to them about Depression. Though, it was a little weird that Remus slept at the foot of his bed curled up like a dog.  

      And not to mention, he felt as if he was able to be himself around them without them judging him. It was relieving to not have to hide anything. He half-wondered why he had ever left them in the first place. 

      Virgil knew that he owed them for taking him in despite what he had done. He knew that he didn't deserve their help. He had been nothing but horrible to them, yet they still wanted to protect him. 

      He didn't deserve any of their kindness. 

      He had abandoned his purple outfit for the clothes that he used to wear before Thomas had accepted him. It felt strange yet comforting. 

      Days passed, and then a week. Virgil often found himself wondering about the friends that he had left behind. He wondered if they knew where he had went. He wondered if Roman was taking good care of Cerberus. And most of all, he wondered if they even cared that he was gone. Maybe they were happy to see him leave. 

      This thought saddened him, though he knew that it could be true. After all, they no longer had to deal with him. They were probably more comfortable without him. He knew that he could be problematic at times.  

       Virgil often worried about Patton, too. Though he still felt betrayed after hearing what Patton had done, he still cared about him. He hoped that Roman and Logan would be able to find out that something was wrong and help him. He knew how awful Depression could get.

      Speaking of Depression, Virgil was paranoid about him showing up. He knew that his brother would have no problem showing up here to torment him. He was expecting it, really. It was a matter of time until the cloud of gloom came to try to bring him down. 

      But what if this was a trick to get him all worked up and on-edge? What if Depression was just trying to scare him? Or, was he too focused on Patton to come after Virgil? Virgil hated both of those options. 

      His questions were answered one day while he was on the couch watching Finding Nemo with Remus and Deceit. Deceit had been sniffling and holding back tears, which Virgil honestly found a little funny. What was so sad about Finding Nemo? Deceit refused to tell him. 

      One moment, he and Remus had been pestering Deceit about why he had came close to crying. The next, he had jumped with a hiss as Depression appeared in front of them. 

      "Did you miss me, brother?"

      Remus was up in an instant, his mace seeming to materialize out of thin air. "Stay away from Virgil!"

      Depression gave him a bored look, not seeming to be concerned that Remus had a weapon. "Oh quit your yapping," he grumbled, as if Remus was some sort of lap dog. "You could never hurt me; you have too little power!" 

      "That's not true," Remus protested. "I have plenty of power! I could march over to Thomas right now and tell him some of my ideas. He'll give in eventually, I know it!" 

      "Quit lying to yourself," Depression sneered. "He thinks that you're useless. He hates your ideas. You're always in Roman's shadow. You're the forgotten twin, the one that everyone wishes would just disappear. And you know what? Maybe that would be for the best. You're just a waste of space." 

      Remus seemed to deflate. Virgil had never seen him look this upset. 

      Depression chuckled. "You know that I'm right. No one wants you around. Virgil is afraid and disgusted by you. Deceit deals with you, but secretly wishes that you would just go away. Patton split up you and your brother because he didn't want you to corrupt Roman. And your twin? He hates your guts. He finds you vile. And you know what? He's right. You know the reason why you were alone for so long? No one wanted you around. Deceit kept you away because you scared Virgil. You aren't wanted."

      Depression then turned to Deceit. "And as for you...you hope that Virgil will stay for good. You love him. But you know what? He's just using you for a place to stay. He doesn't actually care about you. You realize that he's just going to leave you again, right? He's going to leave and you're going to be stuck here, wondering what you did wrong." Depression turned back towards Virgil. "You see how he got emotional over Finding Nemo? He was devastated when you left, and this movie reminds him of that time. He wonders why he couldn't have a happy ending like Marlin and Nemo."

      There was a flash of sadness on his face, which was quickly covered up by a sneer. "But he never cared when I was gone. He was relieved that you had locked me away. You were always the favorite...why? You're no better than I am!" 

      Deceit glared at Depression, though it was clear that he was barely holding it together. "Leave us alone, Res." There was a faint hiss to his strained voice. "We've done nothing to you."

      "That's where you're wrong." Depression raised his voice, venom on his tongue. "Everything was about Virgil. He got all of the attention and the love." He choked on the word love, as if it was painful to say. "I grew up wondering what was wrong with me, wondering why everyone hated me. Virgil was always there for me. But then he wasn't. I hated myself. I wanted to disappear. But then I thought, why not show you guys what you've done to me?" 

      He looked towards Virgil. "Soon this will all come to an end. Soon you'll see that you should've never betrayed me." A laugh began, the sound of it giving Virgil shivers. 

      "You better keep a close eye on your friends, Virgil. You never know what might happen to them." With that, Depression was gone. 

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