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      Virgil was afraid.

      He was just waiting for Deceit and Remus to help his brother out. He didn't know when or how they were going to do it, but he knew that they had a plan. 

      Not to mention what Depression was going to do. The side had once again disappeared, freaking Virgil out. 

      Virgil made his way to the living room and settled down on the couch between Roman and Logan, sighing softly. Even though he knew they wouldn't do anything around the others, his eyes darted around as he searched for the dark sides.

      "You're really anxious today," Logan commented, which caused Virgil to look over at him. "Did something happen?"

      Virgil shook his head. "No, nothing happened." He sighed softly. "It's just me being me, y'know?"

      "No...you seem to be more anxious than usual lately." Virgil silently cursed. Of course Logan would notice. Logan adjusted his glasses before continuing. "If this persists, it may affect Thomas negatively. Maybe it would put you at ease if you spoke about your problems."

      Virgil just shrugged. He knew that he wouldn't be able to tell the others about what he was dealing with. They would just laugh at him. 

      "Yeah," Roman agreed. "You don't have to be a Negative Nancy all the time! It's okay to share your feelings." He gestured towards himself. "I mean, I make my feelings pretty obvious!" As an afterthought he added, "Most of the time." Before any of the others could comment on it, he added, "And Patton is pretty open about his emotions. Trust me when I say it helps a lot."

      Virgil gave a slight nod. Knowing that they wouldn't leave him alone until he said something, he decided to make up a quick lie. 

      "Oh...well, I'm just afraid that Deceit will try to show up again." It wasn't a complete lie. "I don't want Thomas to give in to what he wants. That snake wants to do nothing but corrupt him and he'll do anything to do so." 

      Roman whipped his sword out from seemingly nowhere. "Don't worry, Virge! If he shows up, I'll be sure to take care of him!"

      Virgil rolled his eyes, though there was a faint smile on his face. He liked how extra Roman could be at times. He wished he had the courage to be more like him.

      "You won't actually be able to kill Deceit," Logan reminded Roman. "He is an important part of Thomas, whether you like him or not. He gives Thomas the ability to lie, and he acts as Thomas's mental filter, which--"

      Roman started to pretend to snore. "Blah blah blah, boring stuff. Do I really care? Nope, not at all! You suck the fun out of everything. You're a fun sucker!"

      "That is--"

      "Fun sucker! Logan is a fun sucker!" Virgil snickered, covering his mouth to hide his smile. 

      "Falsehood!" Virgil winced at Logan's shout. He already dealt with it enough; if it kept up, he was sure that he was going to have hearing damage. 

      "Fun sucker." Roman crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out childishly. Logan just rolled his eyes and got up before leaving, mumbling incoherently. 

      Roman turned to Virgil setting his sword aside. "Anyways, you don't need to worry about Deceit, okay? There is no way that Thomas would listen to him, especially if Patton is around."

      "But what if he does something to Patton," Virgil burst out before he could stop himself. "What if we aren't able to tell the difference again, and he manages to convince Thomas to do something bad? What if--"

      Roman covered his mouth, stopping him from speaking. "Virgil, chill. Nothing is going to happen, I promise. There's no need for you to get yourself worked up."

      Virgil pushed Roman's hand away, sighing. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Besides, Thomas is obviously disgusted by Deceit. Why would he listen to him?"

      "Exactly." Roman nodded, a satisfied look on his face. "He'll have to get through us if he wants to affect Thomas." 

      The two sat in silence after that, watching a movie. Of course, since it was something that Roman had chosen, it was Disney. It was a pretty good movie, though, one that Virgil didn't mind; Moana.

      Virgil's attention was drawn away from the TV as there was movement nearby. He caught sight of Patton entering the room. He was going to greet him, when he noticed something odd. Patton had his gaze towards the ground, and he looked upset. 

      "Pat, what's wrong?"

      Patton turned his gaze towards Virgil. He plastered an obviously fake smile on his face in an attempt to convince them that he was fine and responded, "What do you mean? Everything is just dandy!"

      "Patton, you looked upset." Virgil frowned. "Are you thinking of Guys and Dolls again?" Patton's smile wavered, and he shook his head. 

      "Then what is it," Roman asked. "Is  someone bothering you? Because if they are, then I will vanquish them!"

      "Is that your solution for everything," Virgil muttered under his breath.      

      "Yes, it is." Virgil's cheeks flushed as he realized that Roman had heard him. 

        "Thanks for being so worried about me, kiddos." Patton sighed, his smile dropping away completely. "I'm just feeling a little...a little sad. It's not that big of a deal, okay?"

      There was a voice in the back of Virgil's head telling him that Patton was lying. He ignored it though. Patton wouldn't lie to them, right? He hated lying. 

      "If you say so," Virgil mumbled. "Why don't you watch this movie with us?"

      Patton shook his head. "No thanks, kiddo. I'm just gonna grab a snack real quick then go back to my room."

      "But it's Moana," Roman protested. "You really don't want to watch this with us?" Patton shook his head. "Fine...well, if you want to join us, you can."

      Patton gave them a smile. "Thanks kiddos. I'll come watch a movie with you later." He turned and made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed some of the edible cookie dough he made, before returning to his room. 

      "Something is up with him," Roman commented. 

      Virgil nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but it probably isn't a big deal."

      "You're right. He'll be back to normal soon."

Hey guys, I'm back! I might not update as often due to starting school in a couple days. Thanks for being patient with me!

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