The Letter

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It was a peaceful day at Camp Half Blood. Birds were singing. Flowers were blooming. On days like these kids like Annabeth.
Should be worrying like Tartarus, because days this f*cking peaceful do not exist for demigods, especially ones who survived two wars. So, natural Annabeth was on guard and looking over her shoulder whenever she felt something was even remotely wrong. At lunch she finally began to relax after being sweet talked by her boyfriend Percy. They were sitting together at the Poseiden table with the rest of the seven, minus Leo, plus Nico and Will, and Annabeth was staring into the distance, letting her mind wander. Then she saw in. A pitch black raven soaring through the air. She quickly stood up, and ran back to her cabin yelling a quick got to go, later guys over her shoulder. The cabin was empty. She went upstairs and made it just in time to run to the window and catch the scroll of paper being dropped off by a raven. She unrolled it and began to read, which was a bit difficult considering she had dyslexia.

Dear Annabeth,

Hey. It's Magnus. Just wanted to check up on you. See if you wanted to get together some time. Over falafel, of course. And there's someone I want you to meet. His name is Alex . Alex Fierro. And he is amazing. Also, I want to talk to you about something.

Love Magnus

When she finished reading she pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a reply to her cousin. Then she rolled it up and held it through the window. In a moment, the raven swooped down and plucked thbe note from the girl's hand, bringing it back to the person who sent it.

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