56: Problem Solving

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A/N: Regarding Seth's comment on the clothes he wore back in Egypt... I suggest y'all go read up on it. It's pretty interesting. It wasn't uncommon for women to walk around in just a sheer dress with everything exposed and the same goes for men. Fancy shmancy.

But here's the kicker: even though the Egyptians were familiar with the naked body an saw it on a daily basis, they were apparently shy about sex. Oftentimes, when sex is talked about, it's through flowery speech like "he had his way with" or "they unified that night" or stuff like that. So that's why Seth may be alright talking about the body, he's completely thrown off by the actual act itself.


The two half souls relaxed in companionable silence in their soul  room. Kaiba's soul manifestation was just beginning to drift off when he  was abruptly shaken awake. Annoyed, he opened his eyes and saw Roland  standing above him. Confused, he looked around trying to make sense of  everything.

"I'm sorry Kaiba-sama, but you have five minutes before your meeting," the man said.

Meeting?  Kaiba blinked a couple times incomprehensibly before the events of the  past day came flooding back to him bringing with them bone deep  exhaustion. He sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose,  rubbing his eyes groggily as he sat up. One hour had not been anywhere  near long enough. He needed to sleep not nap. It also felt like he had  been woken in the middle of a sleep cycle so his body felt heavy and  achy and his mind was still fogged with sleep.

He felt Seth send  him comfort and support through their link and forced himself to get up.  Mokuba was already up and standing in the common area talking with  Helios. That brought up another matter that would need to be dealt with.  Helios was a Greek and a refugee under Kaiba's and by extension the  Shadow Court's protection. Something told the Regent he would have many  more misadventures to deal with before too long. Hurrah hurrah.

Stifling a yawn, Kaiba walked up to the two people with Roland and Fuguta at his heels.

"Hold  on," he said, taking a hold of Helios's shoulder. Mokuba grabbed a hold  of Kaiba's waist and Fuguta and Roland placed their hands on Kaiba's  shoulders.

When he was sure everyone was in place, he drew his  Shadows to him, reveling in their ecstasy. They were eager to please and  swirled around him. He released his consciousness to flow with the  Shadows out into the city. He remembered where Java Script was  and mostly how to get there. He reached out with his tendrils of Shadow  until he found the small cafè. His Shadows slithered up the walls to the  rooftop level and observed their surroundings.

The layout and  decoration was very casual chic. Kaiba and his Shadows saw Oliver  sitting in the built-in sectionals that along the low walls of roof in  two corners of the roof, one outside and one under the fabric canopy.  Every few cushions, a built-in wicker table with a glass top was  installed giving the patrons a place to put their coffee cups. Plugs  were evenly spaced in the wall beneath the cushions for computers and  Kaiba guessed there was wifi available as well. A couple wooden bench  swings were set up along the short wall outside. Several two and three  person tables dotted the uncovered rooftop patio as well. Overall, it  was just the type of place Kaiba would enjoy doing his work at. Quiet  and relaxing with endless coffee, plugs, and wifi.

Oliver was  sitting with Walter on his left and Diggle on his other side. Yami and  Yugi were coming up the stairs from the cafè below with trays of coffee  which they set on one of the coffee tables. Jounouchi was swinging on  one of the bench swings outside next to Mai. If the boy's puppy love had  not been obvious to Kaiba before, which it had been, it certainly was  now. Shaadi, calm and unflappable as ever, was satisfied with sitting on  the low wall outside and watching the cars go by. Ryou was sitting with  Marik in one of the two person tables outside as well.

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