33: Pre-Gaming

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Yugi recognized the Field Spell for what it was and thus knew who had cast it; and of course, because he knew, so did Yami. The two Shadow monarchs immediately began scanning the skies for their Regent, spotting him a split second before they heard the Blue Eyes White Dragon's unique bellow. The powerful beast dove towards them, falling through the sky at speed for several seconds before back-winging and landing delicately on the ridge between the Justice League and Yugi's group.

"Kaiba!" Yugi cried, pushing through the crowd of people and rushing over to the dragon. "You're alright! You had us worried."

Kaiba snorted. "As if something like that could stop me. Where's your infamous faith, Yugi?"

Shaadi slid to the ground as quickly as he could, a little pale after his adventure. Yugi felt sorry for his friend. Shaadi had never been much of one for heights to begin with. Gentle violet eyes darted over to Oliver, who slid off the dragon next. The vigilante landed easily on the ground with a practiced grace. Yugi nodded to the vigilante.

"Oliver, I'm assuming," he said. "When did you change into your Arrow uniform?"

Oliver paused and looked down at himself in surprise. Kaiba hopped down next to him and held his hands out for Mokuba to jump into. Oliver tapped Kaiba's shoulder once Mokuba was securely in his older brother's arms.

"Mind telling me why I'm still wearing this?" Oliver asked.

Kaiba glanced down at Oliver mildly. "You've been like that since I woke up. Why?"

"You have been wearing that since you summoned your weapons during the Shadow Game," Shaadi said.

"But that was in Kaiba's mind," Oliver said.

Shaadi shrugged. "This Field Spell was cast from Kaiba's mind providing a smooth transition from there to here. Since this is a Firld Spell and not reality, you would remain the same here as you were there. I did not mention it because I thought you knew."

Yugi nodded. Something similar had happened to him and his friends during Zorc's infamous Memory World MORPG. He felt Yami step up next to him and unconsciously tilted his body towards his other half. Yugi watched Oliver who finally noticed Walter and Diggle, nodding to them. Diggle shook his head in relief while Walter stared at the white dragon in awe.

"Magnificent," Walter murmured.

Kaiba turned to Walter in surprise, smiling softly after a moment. "She is indeed."


Kaiba nodded and the dragon crooned in agreement.

"As glad as I am for your safe return," Yami said gravely, breaking into the conversation, "I'm afraid we still have a pressing matter to deal with." He glanced significantly at the Justice League on the other side of the ridge.

Everyone followed Yami's gaze as the weight of the situation began to sink in. The members of the Justice League wore expressions varying from shock to defensive. Only Wonder Woman seemed unmoved. But then, she was an Amazon princess and was probably used to sights far stranger than this from her own Greek pantheon. Not surprisingly, she was the first to speak.

"What did you do to Green Arrow?" she demanded.

"Why do you want to know?" Kaiba replied, setting Mokuba down beside and slightly behind him.

"Easy, Kaiba," Oliver said, stepping out from behind the white dragon and placing a hand on his Regent's shoulder. "Let me take care of this."

Kaiba turned his blue gaze to Oliver, studying him closely. Finally, he sighed. "Fine. But if they attack, I won't hold back."

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