6: Insults, Introductions, and Shadow Business

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Oliver kept an eye on Seto as he hurried their little group to the waiting limousine at the entrance of the hotel. The way the KaibaCorp CEO reacted when he first saw Luthor was promising but curious. The poorly hidden surprise on the bodyguard's face when Seto asked to leave sooner rather than later was telling. It would appear the Japanese businessman was not used to expressing discomfort openly or at all.

The bodyguard continued to follow his charge closely, eying anyone who dared venture too close to the tall brunette coldly through dark sunglasses. This man had seen combat, perhaps he had a military background of some kind like Oliver's own bodyguard and friend John Diggle. Either way, Seto obviously knew what to look for in a bodyguard.

"This way," Oliver said, guiding their group into the vehicle, closing the door behind them.

Seto seated himself on the far side of the limo eying the interior and his companions cautiously. He did not relax until his bodyguard slid in next to him, separating him from the car door and the Queens.

"So," Thea said, gaining Kaiba's attention. "This your first time going to a club?"

Kaiba hesitated looked back out the car window. "I never had a reason or the time to go before."

"Why not? It's fun," Thea pressed.

Kaiba snorted. "You and I obviously have very different definitions of 'fun,'" he said softly. "I prefer the companionship of my computer and coffee to hundreds of people in close quarters with little to no room to move."

Thea frowned in mild annoyance. "Then why are you coming?" Kaiba faced the window and did not answer. Unfortunately, this caused Thea to snicker. "You're playing hookie."

"Excuse me?" Kaiba glared.

"That's it, isn't it? You're avoiding something, or someone" She leaned forward in interest. "So spill. Who is it?"

Kaiba blinked, surprised by the heiress's forwardness. A smirk tugged at his lips. "A certain idiot who insists I meet with him but seems utterly incapable of reading the atmosphere or catching subtle hints to back off."

"Ooh, anyone I'd know?" Thea's eyes practically glittered as she mentally went through a list of names of people she knew had been at the press conference and narrowing down the potentials. She latched onto the one name that made sense in her mind and blurted it out. "It's Lex Luthor isn't it?"

Kaiba blinked in surprise, the smirk widening. He breathed a soft laugh staring at Thea with renewed interest.

"See something you like?" Thea asked with a winning smile.

Oliver watched one of Seto's expressive eyebrows lift and fought down a smile. This was shaping up to be an interesting ride.


"I said, see something you like?" Thea repeated, eyes sparkling playfully. "I see you staring at me and was wondering if anything caught your interest."

Seto blinked and turned his head away to stare out the window to the city life passing just outside it, smirk fading to something closer to his usual glower. "I was wondering where you hide your intelligence."

The smile became strained. "Excuse me?"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't insult my sister," Oliver said in a calm, unwavering voice staring hard at Seto.

"I was not," Seto replied without removing his gaze from the window, what little sunlight was left filtering through the rain clouds fading under the horizon. "If anything it was a compliment."

"Then perhaps you should clarify 'cause that sounded distinctly like an insult," Thea said coldly, crossing her arms over her chest in a huff.

Seto paused before turning to her and replying. "You remind me of my little brother. Both of you are smart, perhaps more so than you let on or even realize yourself. I know where Mokuba hides his intelligence," Seto said, lowering his eyes, lost in a memory. Not a second later, he met Thea's eyes once more. "I was wondering where you hid yours."

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