15: Laws and Infrastructure

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"False descendant of Ra?" Shayera repeated in surprise.

Yugi  and his taller twin did not reply. They merely watched the group before  them with cautious interest. The two young men were certainly odd in  appearance. They both had black hair spiked up and blonde bangs. Yugi's  bangs fell down to gracefully frame his face. Yami's bangs also framed  his face with the exception of several strays which joined the black  strands in reaching for the sky. The very tips of both twins' black hair  seemed to be dipped in red. Both twins had kohl lining their eyes in a  style similar to that lining Marik's eyes.

They both also wore  dark, sleeveless shirts and black, leather collars. Gold bands looped  over their arms in similar patterns and they both wore a single, gold  ankh earring, but the similarities ended there. Yugi's shirt had large  buckles going up the front and his black cargo pants were loose with a  gray ankh embroidered along the outside seam at the ankles. His shoes  were also black with silver latches around which black ties looped.

Yami's  shirt was solid black with a gold clip scrunching the fabric on his  left shoulder. A black leather motorcycle jacket was draped over his  shoulders like a cape and his black leather pants were tight all the way  down. He wore heavier black boots that rose over his ankles.

Yugi  had large, friendly violet eyes a shade or so darker than Marik's and a  ready smile on his lips. He held himself with an air of reserved  regality that subtly commanded respect if not obedience. Yami, on the  other hand, radiated authority that demanded respect. His eyes were  narrower than Yugi's and a deep, wine red. He was taller than Yugi by an  inch or so and hovered close by his twin like a shadow.

Together  they painted an intimidating picture that gave even the Justice League  pause. Thus, it was Marik who finally stepped forward and spoke. "I  don't know about these idiots but I have a bone to pick with you," he  said, crossing his arms and leaning on one hip.

"How so?" Yami  said, his deep voice reverberating in the room as he followed his twin  to the lounge area. Yugi sat on one of the chairs with a low backrest  and crossed his legs comfortably while Yami stood behind him resting  strong hands on his shoulders.

Marik eyed the two of them with  ill-concealed jealously. "I woke up this morning with my lover gone from  my bed, not to mention the entire country of Egypt. Shaadi was kind  enough to inform me Bakura was now in Japan at your behest. Either of  you care to explain?"

"So it's official then?" Yugi said with a bright smile. "Congratulations!"

"Ugh, shut it King," Marik groaned. "Why is he in Japan? And why wasn't I told?"

"Shaadi  informed me of a certain," he glanced at the Justice League watching  them significantly, "meddler who was 'digging where he should not,' as  Shaadi put it."

"So what? Bakura and I are not guilty. Whoever stole that dagger was adept at shadows, but it was not us."

"Shadows?" Yugi asked. "Our Shadows?"

Marik  shook his head. "No. Our Shadows dislike this..." Marik's lip raised in  a sneer, "thing. Wherever it went, my Shadows avoided it. It was like  looking in a mirror and seeing your reflection doing something you  aren't."

Yugi and Yami stared into each other's eyes in silence  for several moments before Yugi dropped his gaze and Yami turned back to  Marik. "I believe I understand," Yami said slowly. "We too have felt a  similar phenomenon here. Perhaps your robber has come here."

"Bad taste," Marik said with a huff.

"Watch it," Arrow said and Yugi bit back a smile.

"He called you 'King,'" J'onn said, drawing the twins' gaze. "Why?"

Shadow JusticeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora