18: Distrust, Duels, and Traps

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"Diana, welcome back," Batman said to the dark haired Amazon when she  arrived back at the Watchtower. "Your gods say anything useful?"

Diana's  face was troubled as he pondered a decent response. "Yes and no." She  lifted her bright blue eyes. "I spoke to Artemis but I got no definitive  response. She left before telling me anything."

"That's something, I suppose," the Dark Knight muttered.

"I  am sure of one thing." Diana rested a hand on her hip fingering her  Lasso of Truth. "Whatever Kaiba is or worships, my gods are aware of  them."

"So it's real."

Diana nodded. "Real and..." she hesitated. "I'm not sure I'm comfortable knowing one of ours is entangled in this."

"We're all entangled in this," Batman said, turning away to head to the Control Room.

"I  was speaking of Arrow," Diana specified, joining Batman. "He was  already a vigilante and is known for striking out on his own."

"I share your concerns. I've sent Clark to keep an eye on him."

"Is that wise?" she said, eyes watching her companion closely. "If Kaiba catches him, or Arrow does-"

"I've planned for that."

Diana snorted in a very unladylike manner. "Yes, I bet you have."

"I  have." Batman said, stopping to meet Wonder Woman's eyes. "If he gets  caught, then I want you to take on Kaiba and his friends."


Batman  nodded. "You've missed quite a bit." He handed the Amazon a flashdrive.  "I suggest you watch this and tell me what you think."

Diana took the small storage device hesitantly. "What is it?"

"It's our new 'allies,'" the dark man replied.

"I heard the air quotes in that, Bruce," Diana said, smiling conspiratorially.

"I  need a second opinion," Batman continued, ignoring the interruption.  "Watch it and tell me if you notice anything strange. I've set up a  computer independent of the Watchtower to avoid any unsuspecting  eavesdroppers."

Diana nodded, remembering Noa. "And what about Green Lantern?"

"I'm  sending him to join you. I'll take over communications for now." Batman  paused, glancing around cautiously. "Diana, if you get the chance, I  want you to use your lasso."

"So that's what you meant by taking them on," she murmured.

Batman  nodded. "Their power may disrupt Hawkgirl's but it may not disrupt  yours. And even if it does, the rope part still works."

She nodded. "Will do. Where's this computer of yours?"

"In  the lounge. I figured you might need something to drink after watching  it." She nodded and turned to go to the lounge, but not before Batman  called, "Diana, thanks."

"No problem."


Superman  flew high over Starling City, high enough to be out of sight for  humans, or if they did see him, he would be mistaken for a bird. But he  kept his eyes open, watching for anything unusual. He paused when he  flew over a large square filled with people, some milling and some  watching the person on the stage talking from the podium. It was the  only thing of its kind going on at the moment, so he decided to  investigate.

He flew down, keeping close to a building that did  not have as many windows as its neighbors and watched the proceedings  carefully. He did not recognize any of the people in the crowd until he  heard clapping and looked up to the podium and saw Oliver Queen. He  quickly dropped to the roof of a nearby building and watched from there  in a shadow cast by a huge air conditioner. He and Arrow did not  necessarily get along and he was fairly certain the vigilante would not  take the idea of him being in Starling City without permission very  well.

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