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"Myles come here!" Seth cheered at the now seven month old baby as he patted his lap. Myles looked at his dad with his wide sparkling brown eyes before letting out a giggle and beginning to crawl towards Seth.

Sasha smiled hearing the patter of her baby's hands and knees slap against the carpet. His laugh melted her heart, bringing a tear to her eye.

No, she couldn't see him smile.

No, she couldn't see his cocoa brown eyes shimmering in the light.

No, she couldn't see his little hands and feet.

No, she couldn't see his messy but adorable dark hair.

But her baby was still perfect in her mind. The way his tiny fingers clung on to her hand and how his soft baby noises filled the room with happiness was enough.

She didn't need to see Seth to confirm her love for him so it went the same way for Myles.

He was her angel.

The second Myles was born Sasha could already feel her world light up. His birth was complicated yes, but all that mattered was that Myles was safe and in her arms.

As silly as it sounds, Sasha felt like Myles was her protector. Her world hadn't been dark since he arrived. She no longer felt the need to sleep all day or sob for hours. She was happy. She was genuinely happy.

As for Seth, Myles was his world. He couldn't wait for this chapter of his life. He was beyond excited to watch his son grow up.

Seth was finally getting his family. He would protect his child and future children at all costs.

Everything in life was slowly piecing together again. No , it wasn't fun when all the pieces we're ripped away, but now they were back on track and Seth wouldn't change anything for the world.

"Mrs.Lopez?" Seth asked with a smirk on his face as he turned to face his wife.

"Yes Mr.Lopez?" She questioned back. Seth just smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing I just like calling you that. It feels...right."

Sasha giggled before feeling a light pressure drop into her lap. Myles.

She immediately hugged her baby, keeping him close to her chest. "I love you bubba," she whispered, placing tiny kisses in his messy hair.

The smile on Sasha's face would not be permanent. There's no such thing. But all that mattered right now was this moment. She wouldn't let reality throw her or her family off course. She let it happen before but never again.

The ability to see had nothing to do with the love she felt for her family. Nothing.



and that's it, hope it was an alright book. this ending wasn't the best cuz it was rushed but ya know whatever.

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