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"It's me, Colby!" A voice shouted from beside Sasha. She obviously couldn't see the figure next to her but it sounded just like him.

"No don't listen to him Merc! I'm Colby!" Another identical voice shouted from the opposite direction.

Sasha began to walk towards one of the voices only to be caught off guard by another voice shouting, followed by another, followed by another, until hundreds of the same voices were shouting at her.

She couldn't take it anymore. She dropped to her knees, squeezing her hands over her ears, screaming.


She sobbed uncontrollably, rocking herself back and forth, unable to breathe.


"SASHA!" Seth shouted, shaking the distressed girl, stuck in her sleep, "Baby it's just a nightmare, wake up. You're safe," he whispered, lightly caressing his fingers over her face.

She continued to shake and scream uncontrollably. Seth was scared out of his mind seeing her like this. He pulled her into his lap, shaking her around a bit until her eyes finally shot open.

"It's ok, it's ok, you're ok," he said holding her tightly against his chest as she sobbed, "it was just a dream. I'm right here," he assured, smothering the top of her head in kisses.

Her unsteady breathing eventually died down into normal breaths as she calmed, "Colby?" She sniffled, "I don't want to go back to sleep,"

"But you've been so tired lately. Is this why? Have you been having these nightmares?" He asked. She shook her head.

"Just tonight," she took a deep breath, "Colby I don't like not being able to see. It scares me not knowing what's around me. I don't like it, I just want to be normal again,"

"It's gonna be alright. I promise," he whispered, curling his pinky finger around hers.


"You look beautiful," Seth smiled staring at Sasha's glowing skin as he sat down across from her at the kitchen table. She blushed, using her hands to cover her bright red cheeks. Seth chuckled before opening his laptop.

"So do you want a big wedding or a small one?" He asked.

Sasha shrugged,"I don't know. I guess more on the smaller side. And I don't want our fans to know anything about the wedding, I mean I love them and all but I kinda want this to be just between us and our family and friends,"

"I was thinking the same thing," he replied, "plus when fans get involved things go wrong,"

"I have an idea," Sasha blurted out. Seth tilted his head at her, waiting for her to continue, "it sounds crazy I know, but I think we should get married in Greece. I mean it's where we fell in love remember,"

"How could I forget?" He reached over the table and grabbed Sasha's hand, "I think that's perfect too. Greece is beautiful,"

The two continued to plan, creating color schemes and the guest list. Around the time they finished, It was lunch time so Seth cooked them a quick meal.

"Are you gonna eat?" Seth asked as he watched Sasha use her fork to move around the noodles. She shrugged and leaned back in her chair.

"I don't know, I'm not that hungry,"

"Take a few bites please," He sighed. He hated seeing her mood flip so suddenly. She could be having a great day and then all of a sudden she'd fall apart.

Sasha scooped up a few noodles and ate them but that's all she could manage. She felt like she was going to be sick if she ate anymore, "Col I wanna lay down,"she whimpered. He nodded and cleared her plate before helping her to the couch where she'd spent a lot of her days now.

"I'll come lay down in a few," he whispered, pecking her temple.

She yawned, bringing her knees up to her chest and taking in a few deep breaths. She pulled the blankets up to her shoulders, snuggling into them.

If only she could sleep forever...


a/n hope u guys don't mind the shorterish chapters. its pretty stressful writing and dealing with school n shtuff. <33

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