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"How am I supposed to go ring shopping when the paparazzi follows me everywhere? Also I'm going to have a billion fans running around and then Sasha's gonna know that I bought an engagement ring and the surprise is ruined," Seth sighed while looking out the large window. Roman shrugged from beside him.

"Let's just go and if the news spreads than we'll tell Sasha that you were helping me buy a ring for Charlotte since our anniversary is coming up," Roman suggested. Seth pursed his lips as he slightly nodded, taking his brother's advice.

"I guess,"

Luckily for Seth, it was down pouring in the city today which would lower the amount of people to follow him around. Of course there were the few mega fans keeping a close distance as they followed. Roman and Seth walked into the shop as one of the workers shut the door behind them and flipped the sign to say closed since a bunch of screaming people wouldn't mix well with an expensive jewelry store.

"Welcome Mr.Rollins and Mr.Reigns," the shop keeper smiled while walking behind the desk where showcases of the most expensive diamonds were encrusted into rings, earrings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, and chains.

"Morning," Seth replied while walking to the showcase.

"Can I help you look for anything?" She asked while putting a few necklaces back into a case.

"A ring," he smiled.

"Engagement?" She smirked as he nodded his head. She walked over to a large case and took out a section of the most expensive rings while waving Seth and Roman over, "Does she have any sort of preference or style?" She asked.

Seth shrugged, "not really. But she seems to have a more high priced taste,"

"Then this is the row you should be looking in," she smiled while pointing to the top row. They were all beautiful but Sasha deserved more than beautiful. He scanned his eyes across the rings until one caught his eye. The shopkeeper noticed and delicately took it out of its holder.

"That is one of the most expensive rings in the store," she explained while shining a bright light over it, "of course not anything you can't handle,"

Seth carefully examined the ring as he pictured it on Sasha's hand. Of course she'd look stunning in anything but this ring would truly be perfect for the goddess she is.

"Yup that's the ring," Roman said while looking at the large rock in the center of it. Seth nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright, do you know what size her finger is?" She asked.


She nodded her head and checked the size on the ring before flashing him a bright smile, "I think this ring was meant for her. It's in her size," She took the ring to the register as Seth and Roman followed, "Are you ready for the price?" She asked. They both nodded.


"Holy shit," Roman cursed, "good luck buddy," he patted Seth's back as he chuckled.

Seth payed for the ring as the lady put it in a black bag. Seth handed the bag to Roman so when they walk out of the store it'd look like Roman had bought something instead of Seth.

Charlotte and Sasha sat on the balcony while sipping some champagne like always. They were absolutely wasted at this point.

"Look there's a rainbow from the rain," Sasha said while pointing in the sky. Charlotte clapped her hands before grabbing her phone to take a picture.

"Im getting annotherrrr bottle," Charlotte slurred while rolling out of her chair and stumbling up on to her feet. She was wearing 5 inch heals making it even harder as she sloppily walked into the kitchen and brought out another bottle of champagne.

•B•L•I•N•D•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora