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a/n thank you blissfulthugs for giving me the inspiration for this chapter. i didn't use the full thing bc i kinda want to end this book soon and im really lazy. but thank you again, it helped me write this chapter and the next few that are coming up:)))


Sasha rolled her eyes hearing her best friend and fiancé's laughs. She didn't even know what they were laughing at. Perks of being blind.

She picked up the straw from her glass of cold water and swirled it around, hearing the ice clatter against the sides. She let out an extremely audible sigh as she crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat.

"Sash? What's up?" Seth asked noticing the change in her behavior. Sasha shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing," she huffed. Seth furrowed his eyebrows. He reached across the table in attempt to grave her hand but she pulled it out of his grasp, "Can we go back home now?"

"Are y-

"Rebecca just shut up!" she snapped. Seth and Rebecca were both taken back by Sasha's attitude. She typically wasn't like this.

"Someone needs a nap," Seth scoffed. He stood up and dropped two, hundred dollar bills on the table before lightly grabbing Sasha's arm and helping her up.

She pushed him away. "I don't need your help and I don't need you treating me like a child!"

"Sasha he's just doing this because he cares about you," Rebecca said lightly, placing her coat over her white blouse and grabbing her purse from the back of the chair.

Sasha huffed, "I don't need your input, literally just leave and don't bother talking to me any time soon," with that she crossed her arms and began to storm away, only to be caught by Seth.

"You're not walking anywhere alone. Let's get you home now,"


The second Sasha reached home she went right to bed. That was really the only thing she could enjoy anymore; sleep.

Seth invited Rebecca over, feeling bad about Sasha's harsh words. Even if it wasn't his fault, he wanted to make it up to the girl.

He opened the front door, inviting in Becky and Max who gave Seth a tight hug before running off to the gaming room.

"I am so sorry about Sasha. I really don't know what's up with her," Seth apologized as he walked to the kitchen with Rebecca, pouring her a glass of wine along with a beer for himself.

"It's alright Colby, really. I'm just really worried about M, she seemed really off these passed few weeks and I know losing her sight is definitely playing a factor in it," she took a deep breath, wiping the tear threatening to spill from her eye, "I just- it's so hard to sit back and watch her struggle,"

Seth nodded, completely understanding what she was saying. Sasha was his world and watching her hurt is one of the hardest things to ever go through knowing you can only to do much about it.

"Do you think there is something more going on than just her losing her sight again? Like she's been extremely tired and moody lately which she has every right to be. It's just not like her," Seth pointed out.

Becky thought about it for a while. She may have only just recently come back into Sasha's life but she could read the girl like a book.

"I don't want to say it," she sighed before taking a long sip of the red liquid.

"Say what?" Seth asked.

"I think she has depression,"


a/n i might make the chapters shorter just bc it's easier for me rn

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