"What the fuck do mean you seen a video!?" He yells. Luna goes on to give vague details of the footage catching the two men. Keeping Marshall distracted while trying not to answer any direct questions. "Are you fucking threatening me, Luna?" Marshall's anger hits full force.


"Fuuuck no. Don't be stupid." Luna replies, eyebrows furrowed at Colson still. "I'm telling you what I heard and WHAT I think. Take it or fucking leave it Em... But don't call me up snapping. We've known each other for too fucking long for this nonsense. Figure your own shit out, Man and hit me up when you wanna talk to me like a human being." Luna hangs up before he can respond. Her blood is boiling; she doesn't even fucking care how this lands anymore.


Pissed and thrown off, Marshall mulls over Luna's words as he touches his swollen eye. He knows she was there. With his jaw still hurting, he finds himself angrier. He hadn't even thought about any type of video. Thinking to himself how he definitely doesn't want anything to get out as Kim walks into the room asking who he was on the phone with. Only receiving first degree burns; three days in and her skin is almost healed. Knowing better to involve her crazy ass, he tells her No One. Mind wandering back to the tape Luna referred to and how to get his hands on it. He knows she's too smart to incriminate herself, especially on the phone.


Looking down at the red button as she ends the call, Luna's head flies back up at Colson. The Ring of Fire wild in her brilliant blue eyes. Rage flying from every tiny piece of her being.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" She shouts at him, not caring who's around.

"WHY THE FUCK DOES HE HAVE YOUR NUMBER!?!" Colson yells back at her.

No one knows what to do as the couple screams back and forth at the other. Everyone is afraid to move and possibly be caught in their cross hairs. You can't blame them, it's a dangerous place to be.

"Because I fucking KNOW him, Asshole. Like I keep telling you, I know a lot of people. Do you not realize that yet? WHO the fuck do you think you asked to marry you? I've been in THIS Industry for a LONG fucking time, motherfucker. Running my own shit WAAAY before you came along. Do you honestly think that's gonna change because of some fucking ring or a piece of fucking paper!?! If so, you're real fucking stupid and we should probably rethink this." Luna hollers at Colson, flipping her fingers between the two of them. Lowering her voice, she adds. "And I'll tell you another thing... Keep your hands off my fucking stuff. Cuz next time, Imma split your wig wide the fuck open." Luna threatens Colson with the legitimacy of her words.

Colson's explosion is beyond volcanic. It's nuclear. Screaming back at Luna an array of things. From Who the fuck does she think she's talking too, to how He doesn't give a flying fuck who she is, with an He'll touch whatever the fuck he wants and that She'll shut the fuck up about it. Her scoffs make him tell her to Get the fuck out.

Unfazed, Luna snatches up her leather, purse and two beers. Looking around for Tyree and LaMar, she apologizes for her behavior in their home. Before leaving Luna turns to Colson.

"Hey Bunny... " She coos, her blue eyes staring through him; cocking her red painted lips into a taunting smile as he looks up at her. "Go FUCK yourself." She snarls at him with an evil grin before she closes the door behind her.

A LunaTic and Her Gunn Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora