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3rd Person POV

Today's Olivia's famous Halloween party and Sarah can't wait to have lots of fun! Sarah has never really been to a big party before because she was an outsider because of her werewolf form. But when she found out that everyone was the same as her, she didn't really need to worry but she still is being carful. Anyways, back to the party! When Sarah entered the house, a bunch of people were dancing to 1D's song Midnight memories. Sarah looked around an saw her best friend Michelle busting out some awesome beats with her best friends. This party was the best party ever! Lets hope it stays that way for the night!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey everyone! Julia here with Ch.21! I'm really sry I haven't updated in a while, but I was busy with high school open houses and school in general! I hate it so much because its so hard!!! Anyways, please like, vote and comment!

Have a wonderful day and keep on rocking!

Love u my peeps and see u all in Ch.22!!!

~Julia <3

My Horror Life (1D Supernatural Story) By Julia StaffiereDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora