CH.5: Wait.... WHAT?!

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Michelle's POV

OMG! I HATE WALKING TO SCHOOL! IT TAKES SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!! Sry if I was shouting but whenever I'm angry about something or someone, I yell a lot. Anyways, I get to my locker and I see a note hanging out of it. I grab it and here is what it says "Hey babe. Just remeber that me and the boys are watching you and your friend Sarah. See u soon my love. ~Liam" My eyes go wide and I throw the note behind the locker because I don't want to see Liam or the boys because I still remember Liam's words. (If u don't remember what the words are, I think I left them in chapter 2 when my character was tied up) I grab my books and wait for my bestfriend Sarah. "Hey Mic! What's up?" I hear the sound of my best friend and I smile as I reply "Hey Sarah! Nothing much really because it's school and u know how much I hate school" The school bell rang means it's time for first period. As me and Sarah were walking, I heard voices in my head saying "Watch your back babe" "We are coming for u and your friend" I shake my head to get rid of the voices that belong to the boys. We get into class and me and Sarah sit beside each other in the back because we are not that smart like other kids. The teacher stands up and says "Good Morning everyone. Today we will have 5 new students join our class for the very first time this year. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr.Tomlinson, Mr.Payne, Mr.Styles, Mr.Malik ad Mr.Horan." Wait.......... WHAT?! The door was flung open and the boys came in and the had smirks on their faces. I hate when guys smirk for no reason Bu they weren't smirking for no reason, they looked at me and I knew what they were thinking. I turned around and put my head down as I felt someone next to me and when I looked up, it was the devil himself, Mr.Liam James Paye. I'm in deep trouble now!!!! Help me!!!



Heye veryone! Julia here with Ch.5! I finally got this Chapter done and I'm so happy I did. I had no homework today so I went on YouTube for a bit then I was reading a story by my favourite Wattpad user @OneDirectionZillas and I though maybe I should write Ch.5 for my story! I want to give her a big thanks for putting me in her story called "Warrior Dragons". Please give her a follow she is amazing and she is super kind and weird and crazy but she is an awesome writer so check out her books as well! Please also Like, comment and vote for this story and please follow me! I follow back!

Hvae a wonderful day guys and keep on rocking!!!!

Love u my peeps and see u all in Ch.6 which will be coming out soon!

~Julia <3

My Horror Life (1D Supernatural Story) By Julia StaffiereHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin