16- Lisa's choice

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A few days ago we had the weirdest day ever. My grandma's cat took up the body of my sister's friend, who was very suspicious about us being mermaids. She was snuggling around the house, and I really didn't like that. It all happened because the cat bumped something over, but then we managed to fix things.

Today was extremely tough, the two girls went back to find the trident. " He's searching everywhere for it." Namjoon sighed. We were in the grotto room, as always. We were all in the pool, just talking and relaxing.

" Yes, but was he anywhere near it? " Seokjin raised a brow. " No."

" There's nothing to worry about." Hoseok said. " It's a big ocean, and that's a pretty small trident."

" We just need to keep an eye on him, that's all." Jungkook shrugged. He was cleaning his tail, we went swimming earlier and some plants got stuck between his scales.

" He's not going to find it before the next full moon, and it's weeks away."  I sighed.

"Let's hope so." Jungkook nodded.

" He's smarter than you think." Yoongi said.

" I doubt that." Taehyung shook his head.

" He won't give up." Yoongi told him.

" Kinda sounds like you're a big fan of his." Hoseok scoffed. He seemed a bit moody today, and usually he's pretty happy.

" We just need to be careful, okay?" I smiled.

Later we had a class where we practiced how to use the moon rings. We all used mine, there was no need to use others. Not everyone was the best in using it, especially Hoseok, Namjoon and Jungkook struggled quite a bit, but they grew up on land, so these things must have been pretty new to them. Then we swam to the café to keep an eye on Lisa, and we overheard that they were going to go and swim, but obviously they had a different plan. Searching for the trident. We walked outside to the gate of the café and we just stared at the ocean.

" Rosé saw Lisa's girlfriend heading off in a tinnie with some scuba gear." I told the others.

" Was she with anyone?" Hoseok asked.

" No." I shook my head. " She was by herself."

" That doesn't make sense." Jungkook shook his head. " They don't dive alone."

" So? " I raised a brow.

" Well, it's not like she can stay down there very long with those silly tanks." Namjoon told me.

" What if she's meeting someone?" Yoongi asked. " What if she's meeting Lisa? "

" You worry way too much, hyung." Taehyung shook his head. " Look, even if she is meeting Lisa, there's no reason to think she's anywhere near the trident.  It'd be weeks before they find anything."

" What if she is on to something?" Jungkook panicked."  What if she's figured out that I didn't make it the whole way there? What if she's figured out that it's somewhere between here and Mako?"

" OK." Seokjin nodded. " You might have a good point. She might be a lot smarter than we think."

" Maybe we should check it out." Jungkook said.

" No." Yoongi told him. " I'll do it. You showed me where it is."

We gave him a worried look, going near the trident alone is very dangerous. And we had the right reason to be worried. We swam back to the grotto and then soon we heard shouting coming from there. It was Lisa, she was holding Yoongi who seemed unconscious. My grandma immediately rushed over there, picked him up and laid him down on the sofa.

" What have you done?!" Hoseok groaned at Lisa, who also seemed to look very worried.

" I don't know." Lisa shook her head. "I... I found the trident.We fought over it. And then there was a flash."

" You did this?" My eyes widened.

" Just help him, please." She said.

" We need to move quickly, or he could get worse." My grandma said. She grabbed a shell box and sorted out moon rings. She didn't give one to Lisa, though. She could've caused harm. The rings didn't work, so Lisa had to swim back and get the trident. That took some time, so until then we were waiting impatiently. Yoongi was only unconscious, but it was only the power of the moon or the rings that could wake him up. When Lisa arrived with the trident, it charged our rings up and we could finally help Yoongi. He had to rest, he went inside the pool and he slept there. If merpeople feel weak, it's the water that will help you gain your strength back. If you're away from water for too long, you could lose your powers and that would be an absolute nightmare. 

We went outside to the balcony, and that's where we waited. The others didn't want to be around Lisa too much, which I understood. Nobody liked her after what she did. Jungkook and I were just talking on the sofa, when Lisa sat down next to us. " Am I bothering?" She asked awkwardly.

" No." I shook my head.

" Others didn't really want to talk, so I just wanted to say that I regret everything." She told us. " And I'm hoping that we could be friends."

" Well, if you really are sorry, then yeah." Jungkook nodded.

" I never asked, but how did you two meet or how are you mermans?" She asked awkwardly.

Jungkook looked at me and I began the story. " He fell into the moon pool, and I was the one who brought him to the shore. I was born half merman and half human, but I was raised in the sea. If it wasn't for Jungkook, I wouldn't have met my family or the others. I guess for us we felt connected at first sight, so we just kind of guessed we would date and look, we're still here."

" Oh, wow." She nodded. " Well, good for you. "

In that moment Yoongi walked outside, he still seemed tired, but at the same time he seemed better.

" How are you feeling?" Jungkook smiled at him.

" Strange. " Yoongi sighed and sat down next to us. " But getting better."

" We were so worried about you." I told him.

" Oh." He nodded. " All I knew was that I was I was so weak that I didn't wanna come back. But then I I felt your energy pulling at me I wanted to fight it and stay there, but you guys are pretty hard to resist."

" Thank you." I chuckled.

" I didn't mean to hurt you." Lisa looked at him. " I had no idea I could do that so quickly."

" Yeah." Yoongi nodded. " I know."

" I should have never brought the trident out in the first place." Lisa sighed.

" At last we agree on something." Jungkook said.

" None of this is what I wanted." She told us.

" Then you have to put the trident back where it belongs." I looked at her. " Please. It can do so much worse. If the trident is taken into the Moon Pool on a full moon, it'll destroy the Moon Pool forever. That's why you have to put it back."

She understood that, so the eight of us swam to isle. We had to find the cave, I kept it open with my moon ring and I boredly sat down on the floor. I saw that she hesitated, but she did go inside that watery circle and put the trident back to where it belongs.

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