14- Where's the power of the trident?

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I usually perform in the café with Rosé, this way I can make money and take advantage of my voice. I enjoy it and I'm starting to fit into human life easier, I'm not as awkward as before, except I still don't like their food.

" So, let me ask something." Rosé started. " If, you'd have a child with a human, does that mean the child would be a mermaid or a merman?"

We were there in the café before it opened. I was wearing a jean jacket, a striped tee tucked into black ripped jeans, and black boots. She was wearing a black long sleeved t-shirt paired with a  denim skirt, a belt and white sneakers.

" Yes." I nodded.

" Aaand..." She started. " If water touches you, you transform?"

" Yes." I repeated.

" I still don't get it." She shook her head.

" Then try it out." I said. " Just..." I started but before she could she basically got her water bottle and splashed some water on me. " Just not that much..." I whined and transformed falling on my back. " See?" I looked up at her.

" Oh." She nodded. " And how do you dry yourself?"

" Magic." I said.

" How do you pee?" She asked.

" If I'm in human form, then normally, but actually we don't pee or poop." I told her.

" Wow." She gasped.

I quickly dried myself and I transformed back, and stood up from the floor, " Do you get it now?"

" That's weird." She said. " And have you always had blue hair?"

" I was born with it." I nodded. " There was a time when I tried other hair colors, but then I stayed with blue, because I like it the best, fits my personality and makes me feel unique."

" You have your own phone now, right?" She asked.

" Yes, but I don't really use it, although yesterday I stayed up until 6:00 AM playing Candy Crush." I laughed.

" I can't stay up that much." She said. " I always fall asleep."

" I didn't notice the time passing."I shrugged.

" Do mermaids have religions?" She asked.

" What's that?" I shook my head.

" I suppose not." She nodded. " Do you guys say ' oh my God?' "

" Yeah." I said.

" Religion is basically belief in a superhuman controlling power, God or gods." She told me.

" Oh, we had a few legends about gods of the ocean and the sea and whatever, but no worshiping anyone." I shrugged." I heard humans don't live as long as us."

" Why, how long do you live?" She asked.

" I don't know, mostly around 300 years..." I said.

" What the..." She gasped. " People here are happy if they live until they are seventy. Can a person become a mermaid on purpose?"

" No, if you want it, it won't happen." I laughed. " It has to be coincidental. Although, I'm not exactly sure."

" It's so crazy, that we're both so different yet still so alike." She told me. " I think we could've been really good friends as kids, it's so sad that we grew up being apart. I saw you quite a lot as a child and never knew that you're my brother, and I could've just gone there, and talked to you."

" But now I'm here, so doesn't matter."  I said.

After a little time, we opened the café, and later I got a message from the boys to go to the moon pool. I said goodbye to Rosé, and I left the café, searching for a place where nobody will see me and I quickly jumped into the water, and swam fast to the moon-pool. Just as I arrived, I noticed they were talking about Lisa. Everybody was in the pool. I quickly settled down next to Jungkook, and just slightly brushed my fingers through my wet blue hair.

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