Philly, Dilly... The Day of Dude Fuck•A•Tillary

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Not one to be threatened, Luna responds with a Fine. Realizing, she needs to put Tommy in his fucking place. Ego, dick, money, gun and all.


Luna and Colson shower together; banging it out again. Both having insatiable libidos and being obscenely sexually drawn to the other it's only expected. They probably wouldn't work if they couldn't fuck like animals throughout their schedules and small problems.

They get high as usual. Him dressing as she lotions and throws on light makeup. He stops to watch her in the bathroom like he has many times before. Admiring the way she slips into her lingerie; curving and curling around inside of it with her smooth movements.

With his eyes still on Luna, Colson calls Emma; asking her and Casie to meet them in NYC for lunch on Saturday. He won't give her details on why, which makes her suspiciously agree. Luna calls her grandmother after, asking her to lunch to Patti's delight. During the call Luna slips on a black dress with white and red polka dots; keeping her legs bare and hair dangling loose. Colson continues to admire her from the bed as she slides on her jewelry and he lights another joint. Sitting next to him, she pulls on a pair of combat boots.

"We really doin' this." He smiles at her with terrified eyes as he passes her the joint. Grinning back at him, she agrees Yeah with a kiss that solidifies their souls. With eyes open their beings tie a rope to each other's before he breaks away from their intense clutch. "Serious question." He states as she finally hits the joint and his hands grip her waist firmly.

"Okay?" Luna responds as she continues to puff on the joint.

"You wanna prenup?" He asks her.

Being incredibly transparent with each other, Luna whips her head back. "No... Do you think we need one?" She asks, confused but assuming someone got into his ear as she passes him the bone.

Colson hits the joint a few more times before he answers. Realizing the fuckitude he just started. He hadn't really give much thought to the question before it flew from his brain and out from his mouth.

"No." He exhales. "Unless you want one or need one." He hits the joint again, completely indecisive.

Luna takes it from him. Hitting it herself. Before she can answer, there's a bang on the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK!??" They shout together in unison, looking at each other after with a knowing glance; A Lunatic and Her Gunn ain't nutten' to fuck wit.

"Housekeeeeeeping!!!!" Slim calls in a high pitched voice from the other side of the door. "Come on, we're gonna grab something to eat." He coaxes them in his normal voice.

The couple easily agrees, telling Slim they'll meet him outside. Luna pops two percs and Colson rails a few Adds. Grabbing her leather and a bag, they head out.


Luna sits on the railing against The Delaware River, finishing up a cigarette as they wait for their table at Maggie's. Even with gentrification, she likes the way the two states are connected. Being almost cheesy enough to adore the concept but not the death trap of The Duck Boat.

A LunaTic and Her Gunn Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora